• WSAlexya1



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    • in reply to: Error when trying to import any dbf (2003 SP2) #1107623

      Thanks John! It’s all fixed but I will keep that in mind for the future.

      The problem turned out to be registry related. This article explains…
      How to Control Whether Access Loads the Borland Data Engine (BDE)

    • in reply to: Error when trying to import any dbf (2003 SP2) #1107431

      Thanks Hans… Yes, that’s the article I found and gave to the desktop support guy to use. I’ll check the other link you mention. As for the file and path names, the department has about 15 users and all of them are fine with importing the dbf’s as required. The user with the problem is trying to get the same files from the same locations so I don’t think that is the issue.

      As always… thanks for all of your advice! smile

    • in reply to: Build email within Excel (Excel/Outlook 2003) #1085448

      You’re right Hans. I am using Automation.

      Why does it always seem so simple when you see the solution. I had found the VotingOptions property for the MailItem object but there were no examples anywhere of the statements setting the values. I thought it might have been a True/False thing instead of what I was really looking for. MSDN had “expression.votingoptions” and that was it. I suppose I should have played around more before asking the question.

      Thank you Hans! As always, you are the best! smile

    • Worked perfectly! Thanks! I appreciate the help… I love it when I learn something new… smile

    • in reply to: Bypassing switchboard (A2K) #1002581

      To find out the version of Access that the user is working with, can’t they just open Access itself from the Program Files list and check the Help menu for the “About” information that way?… I mean, that particular database may disable menus but Access itself is free to look at right?

      It would be a start… At least you’d know if they needed service packs and that might have something to do with the real problem…

    • in reply to: adjust column in list box (2003) #1002576

      Set the Column Widths property of the list box…

    • That’s good to know! smile I need to learn all the new bugs now!

      BUT… I found the problem… Believe it or not, all I had to do was turn off the Popup property of the main form…. Bizarre yes?…I just happened to have read something last night in the help files about form events and that certain events (activate and deactivate I think) didn’t happen when the Popup property is set to Yes… It just came to mind and I had a thought… Maybe the problem has something to do with events?… Maybe something else is being triggered in between the OutputTo statements (something to do with what’s on the screen and not the code itself)??… If it works when I step through it and not when the user runs it from the form, maybeeeee???… It couldn’t hurt to check it out right?

      I checked the form properties, see that Popup is Yes, change it to No, save the form, close the whole thing down, re-open the database as a normal user (with limited access) and click the button… It works?!?!?

      Have you ever heard of this before? I’ll never understand why it wouldn’t have been a problem in Access 97 and now it is… I seem to find the strangest things sometimes… What’s even more bizarre to me is that I even thought of checking that! laugh

      Thanks for all of your help Hans! It’s much appreciated!

    • Hi Hans! smile

      Sounded like a great idea, but it didn’t fix the problem… frown Any other ideas?

    • in reply to: Report Issue (2003) #1002542

      If I’m understanding you correctly, try using DLookup in the control source for the text box to display the phone number…

      For example:
      =”Employee Phone Number: ” & DLookUp(“[ YourEmployeeNameField ]”,” YourEmployeeTableName “,”[YourEmployeeNameField ]='” & [Forms]![ YourFormName ]![ YourListboxControlName ] & “‘”)

      This would display on your report as something like this:
      “Employee Phone Number: 555-123-4567”

      Hope this helps…

      I have a situation just like this… The report creates posting journals and although the record source for the report itself is a query… However, there is one text box control on the report that changes every time (displaying who the journals are for this time… name and phone number)… The user opens a form first, picks a name from a combo box (tied to another table listing operators) and on the AfterUpdate event of the combobox, I open the report and the text box is populated using something very similar to my example… My text box needs to display something like this: “Operator Name: Jane Doe 2-3456”

    • in reply to: Right align a text field on export (Access97,SR2) #992933

      Yes, I am using a fixed width output spec that I created and saved… There is no option for selecting the text data type with right alignment though… I figured I should therefore try format it before it got to the output spec (at least worth a try) but I checked help and although there is the format option of using “!” to force left alignment, there doesn’t seem to be any option to force right alignment…

      Oh well, no biggie… We can only provide what the tools allow right? smile

      Thanks for trying Charlotte!

    • in reply to: Right align a text field on export (Access97,SR2) #992932

      Nope… The point is that I don’t want decimals… I want it to be right aligned without leading zeros… Thanks for trying… smile

    • Thanks Hans! smile

      Yes, it’s been a while… Surprisingly, I’ve been doing well all by myself… laugh BUT I always know where to find the experts when I need them… wink

      I’ll give your ideas a try… Thanks again…

    • Works perfectly Hans… doh My code was almost identical…
      I won’t tell you what I was missing or you’ll lose all respect for me (If you ever had any!)… laugh

      Thanks for helping me overcome another brain freeze! thankyou

    • Works perfectly Hans… doh My code was almost identical…
      I won’t tell you what I was missing or you’ll lose all respect for me (If you ever had any!)… laugh

      Thanks for helping me overcome another brain freeze! thankyou

    • in reply to: Disable Click for Switchboard Labels? (97 SR2) #837925

      Hans…. As usual I have to bow to your supreme knowledge! smile
      Thanks a bunch! I thought it had something to do with the labels being attached but I never would have thought of just cutting and pasting them to break that attachment…. It would have taken me ages to figure out… Thanks again!


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