• WSAladin Akyurek

    WSAladin Akyurek


    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 326 total)
    • in reply to: Capture No from a range (Excel 2002) #967808

      If the single result (or last value) you need is either a text value or a numeric value, here are two options:

      [1] A multi-cell set up:







      [2] A single-formula approach:



    • in reply to: SUM based on MAX condition (2000) #966247





      Then invoke:


      The foregoing is the same suggestion as the one maxfilia10 forwards. The difference is that this is meant to fit to your data and the calculation you want..

    • in reply to: How to add IS Error in formula (2000 sp3) #959437

      Given your formula, #N/A can only occur when either W2 or F2 is smaller/less than Calendar!$A$1.

      If Calendar!$A$1:$C$3489 is sorted in ascending order on its first column, a state of affairs that justifies your setup for the VLOOKUP bits (No 4th arg, meaning 1 or TRUE), you don’t need ISERROR()…

      Care to indicate what kind of stuff you have in Calendar!$A$1:$A$3489?

    • in reply to: Six of the best (Excel 2000 SP3) #959111

      That’s a formula for “Sum exactly/strictly N largest”, as Hans also points out. A typical situation for which such a calculation makes sense is:
      Total of N best scored quizzes in order to calculate an average.

      If you want to include the ties of the Nth largest value, see Hans’s reply with SumIf.

    • in reply to: Autofilter, custom filter (Win XP Excel 2003) #958880

      Since you are on Excel 2003, convert the area you autofilter to a list by means of Data|List|Create List. The list functionality includes AutoFilter along with significant options.

    • in reply to: Six of the best (Excel 2000 SP3) #958877

      What follows is a faster way of summing stricly 6 largest …


      where B4 houses:


      than invoking the volatile INDIRECT in an array formula.

    • in reply to: Extract from list and count (Excel 2003) #958875


      There is no need for ISNA for these formulas



      will never return #N/A. unless the range to process is empty.

      To cover the last possibility, I’d suggest to change the formula in E3:




    • in reply to: Extract from list and count (Excel 2003) #958848

      Using a fast formula system…

      C4:C19 houses the data of interest, including the label/header.

      D3: 0

      which is mandatory.

      D4: Idx

      which is just a label.

      D5, copied down:




      E4: Distinct Products

      which is just a label.

      E5, copied down:


      F4: Count

      which is just a label.

      F5, copied down:


    • in reply to: Top 3 Formula Help (Excel 97) #956812

      The problem you want to solve belongs to the class of Top N problems, where N = 1, 2,…

      What follows is a formula system I devised to tackle with such problems. The system results agree with the results one would obtain with a pivot table.

      The data in C4:AA4 consists of multiple items (considerations like Service, Knowledge, Experience) per cell obtained by means of surveys. (See the attachment for references.)

      Note that the data is a bit altered to better illustrate the point of the formula system.

      The problem: Create a Top 3 list of considerations, based on their occurrence frequencies.

      C5:C11 lists the ‘conisderations’ of interest.

      D5, copied down:


      calculates the frequency of occurrence per consideration.

      E5, copied down:


      assigns a ranking per consideration.

      D13: 3

      indicates N of Top N you want.



      which must be confirmed with control+shift+enter, not just with enter.

      This “kernel” formula calculates the ties of the Nth value (frequency of occurrence).

      D16, copied down:


      creates the correct Top 3 list of considerations you are after.

    • in reply to: Formula help (2003) #956025

      No need to call UPPER three times for IF is not case-sensitive.

    • in reply to: formula: look and choose (office xp) #954793



      custom formatted as: [=0]””;General and copied down might be faster.

    • in reply to: Average Last # Entries (2000) #950498

      Adding to Hans’s observation, see my contrib in:


    • in reply to: SUMIF With RangeNames (XP; SR3) #950294

      Since you are on Excel 2003, you could turn the data area into a list by running Data|List|Create List. The formulas that refer the ranges from a such list will automatically update whenever you add new records to the data area. The setup makes named ranges unnecessary.

    • in reply to: Average Last # Entries (2000) #950206

      If the formula needs to be in the cell immediately after the last cell of the range of interest (which is A1:A100 in your example)…

      In A101 enter:


      where N is a value like 12, meaning “last 12”.

      If you’d want to enter the formula in a cell outside column A….


      or with a bit control:


      where N is the same as above.

    • in reply to: Sumif multi-conditions in same column (Excel 2000>) #950093

      BTW, if you want to use an array constant to represent the criteria set…


      can be re-written as a SumIf formula:


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