• WSAladin Akyurek

    WSAladin Akyurek


    Viewing 15 replies - 286 through 300 (of 326 total)
    • in reply to: Help with date columns (Excel XP SR1) #591745


      In C3 enter:


      In C4 enter and copy down:


      In D3 enter:

      =DATE(YEAR(B3),MONTH(B3)+1,0) [ or: =EOMONTH(B3,0), which requires the Analysis Toolpak add-in ]

      In D4 enter and copy down:


      I created an additional sheet, named Admin, in order to define named dynamic ranges:

      (a) DATES, which refers to:


      ( SUNDAYS, which refers to:


      © MONTHENDS, which refers to:


      where DateRecs is computed in B1 in Admin with


      SundayRecs in B2 with


      and MonthEndRecs in B3 with


      You can use SUNDAYS and MONTHENDS as source for the list boxes that you want to set up.


    • in reply to: count cells with specified character (Office 20 #590573





      where A1 houses just the target letter (e.g., “w” without double quotes)

    • in reply to: Conditional Sum (97,2000) #590510

      An option is not to use the Conditional Sum Wizard. Instead, try to devise the required formulas yourself directly where they are needed.

    • in reply to: IF formula won’t work right (Excel 2000 SR1) #590196


      should be a bit more efficient.

    • in reply to: Cell Formulas (Office 2000) #590194



      will produce the desire count.

    • in reply to: If Formula help please (97) #590191


      Is this what you’re looking for?

    • in reply to: Concatenate many values into string (97 SR2) #588725



      MCONCAT is a function (among many others) available in Longre’s Morefunc add-in, which is downloadable from:


    • in reply to: Supressing zeros on charts (Excel 2000) #586907

      Use a different formula that returns #N/A instead of a 0 or “” like in:



    • in reply to: blank cells which aren’t! (2000/2002) #585815

      a bit “eigenartig” (closest English translation = ornery)

      I believe the translation is ‘peculiar’.


    • in reply to: nested IF formula (2000) #584072

      Your “Team” column has not the same underlying format as your “Testing ADU” column.

      You can see that by using in G19:


      You can either re-create your “Team” column which you format as text before entering anything, or you use the above formula or its equivalent which you don’t need entering with control+shift+enter:


      After repairing the “Team” column, you can remove the &”” bit.


    • in reply to: Formula Problems (Excel 2000) #583981

      I believe you confounded me with the original poster (OP).

      It’s of course a good idea if that’s what the OP wants.


    • in reply to: Formula Problems (Excel 2000) #583884

      If that’s what is wanted, a COUNTIF formula would suffice:


      or just


      where the cell of the formula can be custom formatted as:



    • in reply to: Formula Problems (Excel 2000) #583855

      It seems that you want to check whether a given entry occurs more than once in exactly the same shape. If so,

      in A2 enter and copy down:


    • in reply to: Sumif data from other workbook (Excel2000) #583760

      I’d suggest a different route, which avoids using array-formulas.

      First create dynamic name ranges in theWorkbook2.xls reagrding the ranges in F and G.


      Change the name Sheet1 to Data.

      Activate Insert|Name|Define.
      Enter NumRecs as name in the Names in Workbook box.
      Enter as formula in the Refers to box.


      Activate Add. (Don’t leave yet the Define Name window.)

      Enter DataRecs as name in the Names in Workbook box.
      Enter as formula in the Refers to box.


      Activate Add. (Don’t leave yet the Define Name window.)

      Enter Grange as name in the Names in Workbook box.
      Enter as formula in the Refers to box.


      Activate Add. (Don’t leave yet the Define Name window.)

      Enter Frange as name in the Names in Workbook box.
      Enter as formula in the Refers to box.


      Activate OK.

      theWorkbook1.xls: (Yes, I mean workbook 1 where you have your original SUMIF formulas).

      Rename the worksheet of the original SUMIF formulas as Summary.

      In A from A2 on enter the conditions/criteria for which you want to compute the totals using data from
      theWorkbook2.xls. The first condition to be entered:

      MAT (in A2)
      DAT (in A3)

      Back to theWorkbook2.xls:

      Insert a worksheet and rename it SumData.

      In A2 enter and copy down as far as needed:


      In B2 enter and copy down as far as needed:


      Back to Summary in theWorkbook1.xls:

      In B2 enter and copy down as far as needed:


      Now you can keep theWorkbook2.xls closed.


    • in reply to: Count unique text values in a range (Excel 2000) #583239

      In case of (formula-generated) blanks I’d suggest using:


      array-entered of course.

      The particular use of COUNTIF is an invention of David Hager. Enforcing it with the LEN test originates from my efforts in fighting the formula-generated blanks.


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