• WSAladin Akyurek

    WSAladin Akyurek


    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 326 total)
    • in reply to: Lookup ‘close’ to next row (any) #1009862

      Given your intention, wouldn’t


      where F1 a small amount for encouragement like 1 and A2 a score, suffice?

    • in reply to: countif and AND (xl2003 sp2) #1007774

      Since you are on Excel 2003, select the data area (including the headers) and run Data|List|Create List. All formulas referring to (parts of) the list will adjust automatically to changes to it.

      A tad bit faster multiconditional counting can be effected with:


    • in reply to: COUNTIF ” (2002 SP3) #1004209

      Hoi Hans,

      That’s right.

      Closer to the SumProduct formula in behavior:


      The error values would also be counted in by the foregoing formula.

      However, I just assumeed that only text and numeric values would be of interest.


    • in reply to: COUNTIF ” (2002 SP3) #1004206


    • in reply to: Value# error (2000) #1816201


    • in reply to: Inserting row in sheet (2003) #1003096

      Consider exploiting the Data|List|Create List option that your Excel 2003 comes with.

    • in reply to: Changing Sum Problem (Excel 2003) #982253

      Since the OP is on Excel 2003, he can convert B1:D37 into a list by means of Data|List|Create List to obtain automatic formula copying and range adjustment in formulas that reference the list area.

      BTW, although not a serious issue here, it would be better to invoke:


      where F1 houses the condition number.

    • in reply to: formula for count (2003) #981916



      would the result be 4?

    • in reply to: formula for count (2003) #981914

      For excluding blanks, the idiom would be:


      followed by control+shift+enter.

    • in reply to: countif (excel2003) #980591


    • in reply to: Lookup Table / (Excel 2003) #980525

      > The names in brackets could be names or ranges as desired for looking up. They could be dynamic ranges that grow as more items are added…

      Since he is on Excel 2003, he can better convert the lookup tables into lists with Data|List|Create List, which makes defining ranges by means of dynamic formulas superfluous.

    • in reply to: Counting unique items (2002) #980523

      Version 3.9 (the latest at this moment) of the morefunc.xll add-in would allow:


      which behaves like the SumProduct version vis-a-vis empty cells and formula-blanks.

    • in reply to: Sum (array) v Sumproduct (2002 sp3) #979250

      Just in case: Your example

      =SUMPRODUCT(Qty*(Ship_From=A7)) or {=SUM((Qty*(Ship_From=A7)))}

      is not-multi-conditional. A SumIf formula is then more appropriate for it is faster:


    • in reply to: Why Value returns 1 (Excel 2003) #969536

      If you use ISNUMBER instead of ISERROR, you’ll have a more natural evaluation:

      =IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(B7)),B7+0,”Not Number”)


      =IF(ISNUMBER(B7+0),B7+0,”Not Number”)

    • in reply to: Help with Formula (e) #969185

      The last VLOOKUP (in the original) seems to suggest that ‘Raw materials’!$A$2:$CQ$1799 is sorted in ascending order on its first column…

      What follows might be more efficient while compact…

      [1] In case the lookup area on Raw materials is sorted:

      =IF(LOOKUP(REPT(“z”,255),CHOOSE({1,2},””,VLOOKUP(‘Enter formula’!$H7,’Raw materials’!$A$2:$CQ$1799,95)))=”colorant”,VLOOKUP(‘Enter formula’!$H7,’Raw materials’!$A$2:$CQ$1799,79),”-“)

      [2] For unsorted data:

      =IF(LOOKUP(REPT(“z”,255),CHOOSE({1,2},””,VLOOKUP(‘Enter formula’!$H7,’Raw materials’!$A$2:$CQ$1799,95,0)))=”colorant”,VLOOKUP(‘Enter formula’!$H7,’Raw materials’!$A$2:$CQ$1799,79,0),”-“)

    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 326 total)