• WSAladin Akyurek

    WSAladin Akyurek


    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 326 total)
    • in reply to: Conditional summatioon – using SUMIF I think #1283343

      X2: 13-Jun-11



      should yield a total rekated to X2.

      If you enter 30-Jun-11 in X3, the formula can be copied down to obtain the total for X3.

      Are we missing something?

    • in reply to: Using the OFFSET and COUNT functions #1281873

      Can you explain what the 9.99E+307 represents in the formula?

      Here is a b it technical explanation:


    • in reply to: LOOKUP in OpenOffice sometimes retruns error #1260060

      I guess the answer is that the data in the search range needs to be in ascending order to get useful results. In my case, it is not. Don’t think I can use VLOOKUP either. Hmmmm.

      Thanks … John



    • in reply to: Lookup Text in a Range #1155273

      Excel 2003


      Cell A10 of the attached have this formula which return correctly the text contain in a cell of the range
      However, am not sure if this is a valid formula?


      If I change the text to tv3 in the cell A4, its return #N/A, why is this so?

      Need your expertise on this


      cheers, francis

      LOOKUP requires that the range it applies to is sorted in ascending order. This function most probably uses a variant of binary serach.

      How that works is described in a graphical manner in the following attempt:


    • in reply to: LAST free cell in row #1150857

      How to have the number of last free cell in range A2:IV2…
      In this my case 4 (D2 is the free last cell)

      Doing it by means of a formula:

      Control+shift+enter, not just enter…


      If A2:IV2 is empty (unused), the result will be #N/A.

    • in reply to: Lookup (2000) #1086636

      Observe that I added another record to the sample you provided.


      B1: 30

      B2: 1







      and copy down.

      B5, copy across then down:


    • in reply to: AutoFilter (2003) #1055683

      Since you are on Excel 2003, try to exploit the Data|List|Create List functionality.

    • in reply to: sumif two condition not works (excel) #1016795



      ‘more robust’ compared with:


      tends to have an unfortunate implication that:



      and similar multiconditional formulae are ‘less robust’, ‘non-robust’, etc.

    • in reply to: sumif two condition not works (excel) #1016793

      Suspected that much. But, that notion of robustness is unfortunate for it qualifies all multicondinoal formulae involving MAX, MIN, AVERAGE, MEDIAN, etc. as non-robust.

    • Now you know how the ROW(INDIRECT(…)) bit works, isn’t that a too expensive formula?

      An alternative would be:

      =TRIM(RIGHT(” “&A2,LEN(” “&A2)-FIND(“@”,SUBSTITUTE(” “&A2,” “,”@”,LEN(” “&A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(” “&A2,” “,””))))))

      which just needs enter. BTW, the string in A2 should not have trailing spaces.

    • in reply to: Sum alternate cells (Excel 2000 SP3) #1016788


    • in reply to: sumif two condition not works (excel) #1016787

      Why is a SumProduct formula ‘more robust’?

    • in reply to: Lookup ‘close’ to next row (any) #1010142

      You’re right. You can reduce the formula to:


    • in reply to: Lookup ‘close’ to next row (any) #1009913

      Not sure I’ve got the story right, but try:

      1) Activate Insert|Name|Define.
      2) Enter GTable as name in the Names in Workbook box.
      3) Enter the following formula in the Refers to box:


      Click OK.

      A) Select A2:A10 (adjust to suit), the range housing numeric scores.
      Activate Format|Conditional Formatting.
      C) Choose Formula Is for Condition 1.
      D) Invoke the following formula:


      E) Activate the Format button and apply apropriate formatting (pink and dots)
      F) Click OK, OK.

      BTW: Since we named the relevant table, we can change the original formula:




    • in reply to: Lookup ‘close’ to next row (any) #1009871


      Just to make sure:

      A2: 50, modified 50+$F$1=51

      A3: 86, modified 86+$F$1=87

      A4: 77, modified 77+$F$1=78

      Could you specify what colors would apply to A2:A4, specified per cell?


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