• WSaccdb



    Viewing 15 replies - 91 through 105 (of 126 total)
    • in reply to: Form RecordSource From Exter Secured DB (Access 97) #660284

      Hi Hans,

      I wasn’t being dense. Bad example.

      Thanks again.

    • in reply to: Form RecordSource From Exter Secured DB (Access 97) #660276

      Thanks for responding Hans and Charlotte.

      From your posts forms do not have a rst property but, “It can be the name of a table, or the name of a query, or a SQL string.”

      Any ideas on a naming convention as to how from the OnOpen Event of the form in DB2, I can let the form know that I am using the query from DB1.

      I tried Me.RecordSource = dbs.QueryDefs(“qry_EditRecords”) Type mismatch.


    • in reply to: Name and Save New Module (Access 97) #659564

      Thanks for the info.

    • in reply to: Name and Save New Module (Access 97) #659509

      Thanks Wendell, Hans, and Charlotte.

      Hans, your code is just what I was looking for.

      Wendell, when you use a library database how are you calling the functions and what type of overhead is there over a Novell and/or MS network?

      You totally lost me here. Do you mean pass the functions to the created *module*?

      Yes. My plan was to pass the entire function into the newly created module. Sorry for the confusion.

    • in reply to: Datatype – SQL Server to Access (Access 97) #659488

      Hi Charlotte,

      Do you have detailed instructions or code that attaches to SQL Server Views from Access 97?


    • in reply to: Name and Save New Module (Access 97) #659439

      Hi Wendell,

      Thanks for responding. I guess the answer is both.

      The problem I am trying to solve:

      I now have several functions that I use in most of my projects and my thought was to place them in a table. When beginning a new project I would like to select the functions I will use, auto-create one function, and pass the functions I will use in that project to the created function.

      The academic exercise:

      If a module can be created with DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdNewObjectModule, when and why would you use this, and how would you programmatically name and save the module?

    • in reply to: Breaking Access Table Link (Access 97) #653227

      Try importing the table from DB(A) into DB© bypassing DB(.

    • in reply to: Access97 Charting (Access97) #644025

      Thanks Sam. Your answer worked great.

    • in reply to: Macro (Access 97) #632837

      Post your Macro to the list.

      Right mouse click on your macro

      Left mouse click on Save As/Export

      Select “Save as Visual Basic Module”

      Select Convert

      Click on the Modules Tab

      Copy and post the contents of the “Converted Macro- Your Macro Name”

    • in reply to: after add new record …how do I move cursor (Access 97) #628410

      This might help


    • in reply to: after add new record …how do I move cursor (Access 97) #628399

      Are you working with a form?

    • in reply to: Access database security file (.mdw) (Access 97) #624712

      The fastest would be for you to convey the username and password that you have been using.

      But, for possible future use of the database and maintenance, you might want to create a group with the same permissions that you have. Make each site user a member of the group, or, create one user for each site if their are multiple users at each site.

      Sometimes projects that have ended have been resurrected.


    • in reply to: winNT dir exists – code not seeing the dir (word97 sr2b) #617494


      Dim strTempFolder as String

      strTempFolder = Dir( “C:TempConvert”)

      If strTempFolder = “” Then

      MkDir strTempFolder
      SetAttr “C:TempConvert”, vbHidden ‘ Set folder with hidden attribute.
      End If

    • in reply to: People on the network (97) #614656

      Yes. [Currentuser] is a special word to denote who is using the database at the moment. No, you don’t need any code to determine the [Currentuser].

      Search on CurrentUser Function in the help files to get a detailed explanation.

    • in reply to: People on the network (97) #614632

      Set the controls property for the controls you are going to turn on and off to Visible = False

      In the OnCurrent event of your form

      If ([CurrentUser] = “Bob”) Or ([CurrentUser] = “Jeff”) Then
      Forms!Combobox1.Visible = True
      Forms!Combobox2.Visible = True
      End If

      [CurrentUser] holds the name of whoever logged in to the DB.

      When Phil logs in the controls are all ready set to Visible = False

    Viewing 15 replies - 91 through 105 (of 126 total)