• WS71563272



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    • in reply to: A change in Windows Secrets leadership #1587360

      The “Windows Secrets” brand name has meant a lot to me. Ever since Brian Livingston’s first Windows Secrets book, I have never doubted any advice or information form a Windows Secrets publication. Will this high standard continue to be met?

      Best to you. It sounds like you have planned well.

      Duncan Blair

    • in reply to: Great Search Tool #1555984

      Here is one more to consider for search both file names and contents: http://dtsearch.com. I have used it for over 20 years, and it has saved my *** more times than I can begin to count. 🙂

    • in reply to: System restore and Task Scheduler #1545154

      Dick: Have you found a satisfactory resolution? I am using a clean install of Win 10, and have notice a similar problem ever since I upgraded (last October). I am using less than 10% of the disk space reserved for restore points, yet periodically I lose some of my older restore points. They just are not there any more. Like you, I have the definite feeling, intuition, sense, hunch (call it what you will) that this is a problem with Win 10 that has yet to be solved. I would love it if someone has found an interim workaround – e.g., a third party program that creates and stores system restore points or something substantially similar (I already use TrueImage and EaseUS ToDo backup as alternative fall backs). Duncan

    • UPDATE: I’m still plagued with the Non-Refresh Bug…very frustrating…I’ve tried everything I could find with Google, short of re-installing Windows 10…which I’m loathe to do.

      Any other suggestions, anyone?

      I suffered through this “WEDR” issue (Windows Explorer Does Not Refresh) on an new Win7 PC I bought some number of years ago. I never could solve the problem, so I returned the computer and bought a slightly different one. Occasionally, I will still see WEDR problems even in Windows 10 (64bit). My _sense_ is that the problem crops up when one copies or moves large amounts of data or extremely large files with Windows Explorer. Since you are a photo guy, I am wondering if you transferred large amounts of data to your new pc using Windows Explorer.

    • Thank you all for your responses. I have disabled the library feature on my PC.

      I also have a copy of Directory Opus. I think I will install it and use it often in order to minimize the wear and tear on Windows Explorer. Having lived with a full-blown case of auto-refresh dysfunction, I want to postpone the return of this issue for as long as possible. 🙂

      Again, thanks.


      P.S. For those who may be reading this thread in the future, the “fix” for me was restoring the computer back to its factory default state. I was able to live with this since I had only owned the computer for 3 or 4 days. The cause of auto-refresh gone (ARG?) in my case – I believe – was the copying with Windows Explorer of 146 GB of data from my old PC to my new one. I have a vague feeling that this may have exhausted poor Explorer.

    • in reply to: Microsofts latest auto update fails #1333471


    • in reply to: Microsofts latest auto update fails #1333459

      I too am having the exact same problem. An annoyance to be sure.

    • in reply to: Acronis, good or bad? #1238750


      Here is one more user’s experience to add to the list.
      1. I run Windows XP Pro on all home computers (save one).
      2. Have used TrueImage Home (currently using Ver. 11) for many years, and it has saved me on two occasions. One complete restore was flawless, the other was less than perfect. I continue to use the product.
      3. I also use AISBackup, which saved me on the occasion when TrueImage was not up to the job. AISBackup is a wonderful program, IMO.
      4. I also use Windows XP restore and backup.
      5. Backups from AISBackup and Win XP Backup go to external USB drives, which I disconnect after each full or incremental backup. The TI backup goes to a second installed hard drive. I alternate between using different programs for each incremental or full backup.
      6. All of this is based on my belief that any backup and restore program runs the risk of failing to work properly, so I try to have three fairly recent backups from three different programs at all times.
      7. One more thing, I use a little program call Mr. Mirror to copy all of my data files every morning to a third USB external drive. The copied files are just that – copies; no compression; not backups; just copies that I can easily get to.

      Happy to be a member of the lounge. Please let me know if I have violated or missed any forum protocols or customs.

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