New (and slightly improved) version of the AskWoody site is up!
I went through a couple of months of testing and comparisons, lots of blind alleys, more than a thousand bucks out-of-pocket, and come back to basically the same layout I had before. What you see is the new version of AskWoody.
You’ll find a few improvements here and there (some of which I leaked earlier). All in all, I took the advice of an overwhelming percentage of viewers and employed my old “Ain’t broke, don’t fix” standard.
The basic layout on the main page hasn’t changed much, but there are lots of small changes. The biggest improvement in the discussions area is (finally!) the ability to “nest” responses to comments. I’ll slowly be rolling out a few hand-selected ads, so be forewarned. Nope, I haven’t bowed to the Google adverlords, but instead found a way of bringing in ads that should be more appropriate for this site – and for you.
Stay tuned. Interesting stuff ahead.