Further evidence of forced upgrade to Win10 version 2004, possibly due to a “Pause updates” bugVoices: 18, Replies: 49
Latest Windows Update offers: (Chr)Edge and “Intel – System” updatesVoices: 10, Replies: 14
The inevitable OS: Windows 10 at five yearsVoices: 18, Replies: 26
Win 10 — Automatic Clock SynchronizationVoices: 7, Replies: 22
Dear Microsoft, could you make Edge a little more obnoxious?Voices: 26, Replies: 57
Patch Lady – what would you change about Windows 10?Voices: 31, Replies: 54
MS-DEFCON 3: Time to get the June patches installedVoices: 40, Replies: 111
Firefox 81.0.1 – Floating BannerVoices: 4, Replies: 8
IBM System/370 on a… Raspberry PiVoices: 20, Replies: 34
Welcome to the August 2020 Patch Tuesday plopVoices: 30, Replies: 100
New, strange folders on the C:\ driveVoices: 8, Replies: 22
How to see CHKDSK results using PowershellVoices: 4, Replies: 11
Now’s a good time to squirrel away a copy of Win10 version 1909Voices: 31, Replies: 132