AskWoody PlusDo a search for fred-langa-one-drive. He has numerous articles on One Drive’s characteristics. There’s information on backing up individual files and folders by creating sim links, changing the location of One Drive Folders, and much more. Both Fred and Lance Whitney give thorough and comprehensive information on the ins and outs of One Drive, and I’m sure you will find the answers you are looking for, and a lot more.
AskWoody PlusSeptember 20, 2022 at 7:58 am in reply to: New HP laptop Windows 10 that will be upgradeable to Windows 11 #2480182Sadly, all too often people look at the price instead of digging into the specs of the computer. At many places selling computers the help is more interested in saying what the customer wants to hear in order to get a sale, regardless if the salesman makes a commission or not. I work for a managed services provider and some of our customers still insist on going to one of the big boxes to get their computers and then come to us to set them up then wonder why we have to charge what we do and take the amount of time we need to spend to get them up to 10 Pro so they work with their network. We explain to them what we had to do to get it to work with their network and they told us that the salesman said the computer would work out of the box with what they will use it for. A sad state of affairs indeed.
I always recommend to people to take someone who is savvy that they trust along with them when they go out looking for a computer. They know what you need, how and where it will be used and can drill down to the details by asking the salesman the right questions.
As to your questions, I and my colleagues have used one or more of the recommendations you mentioned with varying degrees of success to get the computer back up and running. Once you get the video back, then yes, turn off sleep and hibernate until all the updates have been installed – both Windows and manufacturer’s. Once your initial round of setup and updates are done you can then go back and re-enable sleep and/or hibernate if you choose to do so.
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AskWoody PlusSeptember 15, 2022 at 10:31 pm in reply to: New HP laptop Windows 10 that will be upgradeable to Windows 11 #2478475Another thing I’d like to mention regarding an office productivity suite. If your interaction with others is predominantly based on Office 365 then check out stacksocial.com. They often times run specials on Office 365 packages for very low prices. For example, they are offering the Office Professional lifetime license for $59.99 (https://stacksocial.com/sales/microsoft-office-professional-plus-2021-for-windows ) and a training bundle which includes an Office Professional lifetime license for $79.99 (https://stacksocial.com/sales/the-premium-microsoft-office-training-bundle-lifetime-license-of-ms-office-home-business-for-windows-2021 ). These are fully legitimate licenses from Microsoft.
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AskWoody PlusSeptember 15, 2022 at 10:16 pm in reply to: New HP laptop Windows 10 that will be upgradeable to Windows 11 #2478473Probably should have worded that better. For most of the documents, spreadsheets, etc. created in the open document format (ODF) are switchable between the two: e.g. .doc, .xls, etc.
When files from Office 365 get more complex you can run into occasional problems when trying to open them in Libre Office. Here’s a short thread that points out the compatibility between the two – https://ask.libreoffice.org/t/current-compatibility-between-libreoffice-and-ms-office/31924
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AskWoody PlusSeptember 15, 2022 at 4:35 pm in reply to: New HP laptop Windows 10 that will be upgradeable to Windows 11 #2478407I agree with Susan, don’t connect to the Internet until you have completed the initial setup. Once that’s done shutdown, connect it to your Internet then start back up and log on with the account you created during the setup. Now you can go and apply any updates that are needed – both HP updates and Windows updates. Follow the rest of her advice regarding the Office and using Windows Defender. If she does want an Office Productivity Suite download and install Libre Office. It’s compatible with all Office formats, and best of all it’s FREE.
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AskWoody PlusPaul,
The reason I prefer 10.xxx.xxx.xxx is that most of the customers the company I work for service use a 192.168.xxx.xxx scheme and it has caused some problems for us, but I guess I can go with a 192.168.100.xxx scheme as none of them go that high. The big thing is that I’m just trying to avoid having my “workhorse” PC going through the Router as that slows my speed.
The speed measurements I made were over ethernet.
AskWoody PlusMarch 15, 2022 at 8:18 pm in reply to: Outlook Template Not Showing “Send This Sheet” Information #2431907Forgot to check “Notify m of followup replies via email”
AskWoody PlusCheck out Fred Langa’s postings either here in the Forums or go to https://langa.com/index.php/2018/09/06/a-reader-asks-fred-whats-your-current-recommendation-for-backups/ and read what he does. Some of it may be overkill for your needs but you’ll get a good idea of the different strategies you can use to not only create your image, but als preserving any important data you might have.
AskWoody PlusSorry folks for taking so long to update! After trying all youe suggestions short of getting a different router, and going through DSL Reports Forums I’ve pretty given up for the time being trying to get my ethernet wired connection to get past the 200M ceiling and have gone to using the wireless connection which gives me 350 to a little over 400 M up.
Now that I’ve retired I might re-visit this again. I want to thatn everyone who took time to reply and offer their suggestions.
AskWoody PlusHere’s the information you need to create shortcuts for Shutdown, Restart, Log Off, and Lock the computer.
Shutdown: Target = C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -f -t 00. Start In = C:\Windows\System32\
Restart: Target = C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00. Start In = C:\Windows\System32\
Log Off: Target = C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -L. Start In = C:\Windows\System32
Lock: Target = C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation. Start In = C:\Windows\System32\
Hope this helps.
AskWoody PlusJune 28, 2021 at 4:35 pm in reply to: Last ditch method to install a failed update before doing a Clean Install #2374413I would be interested to see the steps you took to make your image and how you slipped in the update.
AskWoody PlusCheck out Fred Langa’s piece in the March 1, 2021 Ask woody. Might give you some clues as to what to look for;
AskWoody PlusI just experienced a similar issue with a user’s Dell Latitude 5280. Long story short, before sending the laptop off to Dell I had backed up the user data and tried reinstalling Windows 10, which did not help! Dell Support also tried reinstalling Windows 10. They then replaced the webcam, display and display cable. The laptop is now working correctly during Zoom nd Team video calls. Hope this helps.
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AskWoody PlusJust wanted to update. First, thanks to all who posted their suggestions. I found a thread on DSL Reports speaking to speed issues with Spectrum and Netgear Routers. Skimming through it looks like some good stuff that might have my solution but haven’t had time to really dig into it yet. I’ll keep you all posted as to what I find.
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AskWoody PlusAh, I see what you are saying. I’ll give that a try. Thanks!
I’ve updated the Router firmware. It was one of the first things I did.
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