• shpkmom



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    • in reply to: Word 365 Mail Merge Problem re DDE connection error #2288686

      Ultimately what I am trying to do is connect a MS Query to a mail merge main document.  The original code I had is here:

      ‘Open a blank document

      Documents.Add documenttype:=wdNewBlankDocument

      On Error GoTo Oops


      ‘Manually type the query and save

      With Selection

      .TypeText Text:=”XLODBC”


      .TypeText Text:=”1″


      .TypeText Text:=”DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=NAME;UID=NAME;Trusted_Connection=Yes;APP=Microsoft Office 2010;WSID=01234;DATABASE=son_db”


      .TypeText Text:=”SELECT matter.mmatter, client.clname1, client.clname2, matter.mdesc1, matter.mdesc2, matter.mdesc3, matter.mclient, timekeep.tkinitb, matter.mprac, praccode.pdesc, udf.udvalue  FROM son_db.dbo.client client, son_db.dbo.matter matter, son_db.dbo.praccode praccode, son_db.dbo.timekeep timekeep, son_db.dbo.udf udf, son_db.dbo.udfdef udfdef  WHERE timekeep.tkinit = matter.mbillaty AND matter.mprac = praccode.pcode AND udfdef.udfindex = udf.udfindex AND udfdef.udtype = udf.udtype AND matter.mmatter = udf.udjoin AND matter.mclient = client.clnum AND ((matter.mstatus=’OP’) AND (udf.udtype=’MT’) AND (udf.udfindex=41) AND (matter.mmatter = ‘” & strvMatterNumber & “‘))”

      End With


      ‘Save the query text

      ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=STRMACROFILES & “NMLabels.dqy”, fileformat:=wdFormatText, _

      lockcomments:=False, Password:=””, addtorecentfiles:=False, WritePassword:=””, ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, _

      EmbedTrueTypeFonts:=False, savenativepictureformat:=False, SaveFormsData:=False, saveasAOCELetter:=False, _

      Encoding:=1252, InsertLineBreaks:=False, AllowSubstitutions:=False, LineEnding:=wdCRLF


      Application.ScreenUpdating = False


      ‘Open the template and set as main document


      Documents.Add Template:=STRMRTEMPLATES & “Open NEW Matter Labels.dotx”, newtemplate:=False

      Set MainDoc = ActiveDocument

      ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:=STRMACROFILES & “NMLabels.dqy”, ConfirmConversions:=False


      Since we switched to Word 365, when this macro is run it has a message at the bottom saying connecting to MS Query, it takes a long time and then returns a DDE error.  I would like to know how to fix it so that I can still attach this query to a mail merge document without the error.


      Does anyone have any ideas?

    • in reply to: Word 365 Mail Merge Problem re DDE connection error #2287618

      Thanks — that’s helpful 🙂

      Do you have some general code you could post that would help guide me in the right direction by any chance?  I am really struggling with this …

      Thank you again!

    • in reply to: Word 365 Mail Merge Problem re DDE connection error #2287434

      So I changed the coding to use OLEDB connection but can’t get the SQL query small enough to be less than 255 characters.  Please let me know if I’m on the right path and if there is something else I can do?

      strDatabase = “DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=…;DATABASE=son_db”
      strSQL = “SELECT * FROM son_db.dbo.client client, son_db.dbo.matter matter, son_db.dbo.praccode praccode, son_db.dbo.timekeep timekeep, son_db.dbo.udf udf, son_db.dbo.udfdef udfdefWHERE timekeep.tkinit = matter.mbillaty AND matter.mprac = praccode.pcode AND udfdef.udfindex = udf.udfindex”
      strSQL2 = “AND udfdef.udtype = udf.udtype AND matter.mmatter = udf.udjoin AND matter.mclient = client.clnum AND ((matter.mstatus=’OP’) AND (udf.udtype=’MT’) AND (udf.udfindex=41) AND (matter.mmatter = ‘” & strvMatterNumber & “‘))”
      ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OpenDataSource Name:=strDatabase, SQLStatement:=strSQL, SQLStatement1:=strSQL2

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