MS-DEFCON 3: Time to patch, but be aware of Network-busting bugs in Win7Voices: 58, Replies: 192
There goes another excuse for not backing upVoices: 25, Replies: 80
March 2018 Patch TuesdayVoices: 41, Replies: 113
MS-DEFCON 3: Most February 2018 patches are good to goVoices: 36, Replies: 186
New directions for Win 7 and 8.1 patchingVoices: 41, Replies: 237
MS-DEFCON 3: Lots of caveats, but it’s time to get patchedVoices: 48, Replies: 246
December Patch Tuesday is outVoices: 31, Replies: 104
Patch Tuesday patches are outVoices: 28, Replies: 145
Net Neutrality Day is July 12th, 2017 – a call to actionVoices: 13, Replies: 35
Copy of Zuckerberg’s treatise: Building Global CommunityVoices: 20, Replies: 78
Is the “Group B” approach of installing Security-only updates still viable?Voices: 46, Replies: 260
Microsoft says it’s time to install Win10 Creators UpdateVoices: 29, Replies: 108
Patch Tuesday is rolling outVoices: 30, Replies: 143
If you didn’t get MS17-010 installed six weeks ago, you may be hurting nowVoices: 32, Replies: 122
Snapchat’s New Snap Map Shares Your LocationVoices: 14, Replies: 22