• rdleib



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    • KB5028254 is a preview (beta) update.


    • in reply to: Everything Search and Toolbar in Win 11 #2573351

      Someone answered me on Github, said to enable toolbars I’d need StartBackNow or Explorer Patcher – they are much like start 11 but not as good, and although StartBackNow did enable toolbars, I couldn’t get the Everything Toolbar on the taskbar, just the icon. I like Start 11 more, so I’ll just stick with the icon, I’m sure in a week it will be second nature!

    • in reply to: Everything Search and Toolbar in Win 11 #2573143

      Thanks for asking, Joe. I’ve got version of Everything and version 1.1.1 of Everything toolbar, both supposed to work with Win 11. “Everything” works, pinned to my taskbar, but I can’t get the everything toolbar to do anything at all. It installed, is in the startup folder, and shows on Task Manager as running, but is not showing on the task bar and is not in the hidden icons, and I don’t have a way that I know of to adjust settings for it. I have  Stardock Start 11 running but there is nothing in it regarding the Everything toolbar. When I had Win 10 (yesterday…) I had Start 11 running and the Everything toolbar on the taskbar so they are compatible – in Win 10 anyway. Appreciate any thought you might have. The conversion from Win 10 to Win 11 went perfectly, only have this and a few cosmetic things, a few old programs that didn’t make it. Thanks. Bob

    • in reply to: UEFI not showing on monitor when booting up #2559027

      Thanks TechTango and Paul T. In both cases, when I tried F2 ( or Del) or booted restart, advanced, UEFI settings, the computer seemed to go to the UEFI boot cycle and promptly went to sleep – or that was how someone on the internet described it, and it is apt. The only way out was to turn it off and back on, which didn’t accomplish anything.

      So I bit the bullet and removed all the cables and power, removed the drives, took out the CMOS battery for a minute or two, reinserted it, put the drives back…and nothing! Thought maybe I put the battery in backwards, so did it all again, and thought maybe I didn’t get the drive cables pushed all the way in, but the battery was right. Hooked up everything again, and this time it booted – on my main screen – into the UEFI screen! Had to reset the UEFI settings, loaded optimized defaults, and that was that.

      I hate messing with hardware inside the PC case, don’t know what I’m doing. But it came out ok, appreciate all the thoughts, and hope this helps someone else at some point.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: UEFI not showing on monitor when booting up #2558283

      Thanks for the response, Steeviebops, but no, no second video card or other output. I have dual monitors. After the UEFI update and issue, all was well except it was booting the UEFI on the secondary monitor. I went in and changed the iGPU multi-Monitor from disabled to enabled. Now it doesn’t boot the UEFI at all – not on either monitor anyway – so I can’t get back in to see if changing it back would help. Any th0ughts are appreciated.

    • Ascaris – couldn’t find out how to thank you officially, older I get harder things become. I had a Timex Sinclair as my first computer – went the IBM PCjr route which wasn’t the best choice in retrospect. You have my eternal gratitude.


    • Ascaris,

      I owe you big time, if you ever make it to the Tampa Bay area and can stand the thought of having dinner  with an old man, you’ll be my guest!

      You last message mentioned AHCI, which I remembered seeing as a setting, so I went back into the BIOS and changed the SATA setting from Intel RST to AHCI – rebooted, and there everything was – didn’t even lose any data! I would have never believed it.

      Thanks so much, now I can get on with my life! I’ll thank you officially if I can figure out how to do that!


    • See attached, Ascaris

      First one shows the 512gb in storage info, boot priority. SATA is disabled. This boots

      Second one shows the CSM boot options same as above, SATA disabled, boots

      Third shows SATA Disabled

      Fourth shows both the drives in Storage Information once SATA is enabled, but only the windows boot manager entry in Boot Priority, this doesn’t boot.

      Nothing else has been changed in the BIOS, just enabling or disabling SATA.

      Appreciate any thoughs or ideas, thanks for your help.


    • RetiredGeek, thanks for your response. I’ve been booting from my 970 for years, no issues. Booting from it now. It’s the 2TB 860 that I can’t get to, and it’s not a boot disk, never has been. Any other thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks.

    • Ascaris, see attached. I’ve never seen it before, it wants to reboot but of course ends up at the same error message. You’ll note it says “Inaccessible Boot Device”. I haven’t tried to go to windows for fixes as I believe the problem isn’t a windows problem.


    • Ascaris, thanks for your response.

      When SATA is disabled, Storage Information shows 1 drive, the 512gb boot disk; the Boot Priority shows Windows Boot Manager (M2._1 Samsung SSD 970 Pro 512 GB first and under that M.2_1 Samsung SSD 970 Pro 512 GB. The 2TB drive doesn’t show anywhere. This is the configuration that does boot up to Win10.

      When SATA is enabled, Storage Information shows both drives, but the Boot Priority only shows Windows Boot Manager (M.2_1 Samsung SSD 970 Pro 512 GB. It doesn’t boot.

      I did add M.2_1 Samsung SSD 970 Pro 512 GB under the Windows Boot Manager, but it didn’t boot although it looked the same as the Boot Priority that does boot.

      Appreciate any more ideas or questions. Thanks again.


    • in reply to: Biniware Run — All your eggs in one basket #2543207

      Re: the question about the location of the shortcuts – they are in the .cfg file! So far all seems to be working well, but I’m having trouble getting it to start with the system start. I’ve got the setting set to auto-start, but so far no success there. Keep on working on it. Thanks.

    • in reply to: Biniware Run — All your eggs in one basket #2543098

      Question about the shortcut location. I changed some of the settings, and loaded up some folders and shortcuts, all seems to work fine. Biniware is in it’s own folder, and now has brun.exe and brun.cfg (29k). Are the shortcuts all in the brun.cfg file? I loaded up 9 folders and about 110 shortcuts, 29k doesn’t seem like much to c0ntain them plus the modified settings.


    • in reply to: Webpage copying #2533621

      I print each of the pages to fineprint, then convert them all to a pdf file using pdf pro, both from the fineprint store. See attached.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • I have Everything Toolbar v 0.7.1 on my system, it is in C:\Program Files (x86)\EverythingToolbar\, and has the file everything64.dll dated 3/29/2021. Thanks for the heads’ up, I have a note not to update it. I also have Everything Search Engine v1.4.1.1018 in C:\Program Files\Everything and that has no .dll files.

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