• PKCano



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    • in reply to: What do you know/think about KB 2952664? #31867

      At least Ballmer was a hoot to watch.
      This just makes me want to cry!

    • in reply to: What do you know/think about KB 2952664? #31825

      The point is, what MS “says” is just side-stepping the truth. We have found, from the GWX campaign, that MS can put whatever they like on User’s machines (home OR business not on Enterprise) without permission and is not beyond subterfuge and trickery to achieve their goals.

      In many cases, MS tries to pull the wool over the public eye with some fancy corporate-speak side-stepping, or just omits information entirely. Here we have to filter what is presented.

      But in a case where MS overtly says “it snoops” in the same mouthful as the obviously untruth “for CEIP opt-ins,” it’s time to avoid the patch.

    • in reply to: What do you know/think about KB 2952664? #31807

      “This update performs diagnostics on the Windows systems that participate in the Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program. The diagnostics evaluate compatibility on the Windows ecosystem and help Microsoft to ensure application and device compatibility for all updates to Windows.”

      It says “for those who participate” in CEIP.
      I know that during the GWX campaign KB2952664 altered tasks in the TaskScheduler under Application Experience” and I think also under “Customer Experience Improvement Program” in spite of the fact that all the computers were opted-out of CEIP.

      So the description is not valid.

    • in reply to: Windows Update is wonky this morning #32283

      If they are dated the Tuesday after the last patch Tues and are in the Optionals unchecked, they are PREVIEW for the coming month. They are there for brave souls who want to be Guinea pigs or IT people that have to test patches.

      They disappear from the Optionals on the Monday before patch Tuesday.

      They reappear as checked Important, critical or recommended, updates on patch Tuesday for installation through WU.

      This behavior has been going on for a long time. It has just been brought to the public eye because of the patchocalypse

    • in reply to: Why Microsoft doesn’t need Windows anymore #32470

      “Nobody writes new applications for Windows anymore.”

      What you are missing is a bunch of the “niche” applications that are unique to small businesses and that don’t have a big public presence. They are being written by local, small-time IT guys. Look at your dentist’s PC, or your veterinarian’s, or local medical businessman’s. Because of costs and small distributions, these are not rewritten frequently. That is why there was such a hard move away from XP and there will be a similar clinging to Win7. I was at Duke Medical a couple of years ago and I think I remember the PCs still on XP. You don’t see Linux in these environments. I suspect the larger institutions will migrate to VMs and Azure, but the little guys can’t afford that. These are the people who will be hurt by MS’s crappy updates and lack of concern for their customers.

    • Once it’s installed you can’t uninstall it. It just keeps coming bavk.

    • I think Microsoft is perpetrating ANOTHER ILLUSION for their benefit and to SUGAR-COAT THE TRUTH as they have been doing for the past (at least) two years since the inception of GWX. Whereas there may be no GWX reincarnation associated with KB2952664 now, the facts remain:

      1. The MS article for KB2952664 states “This update performs diagnostics on the Windows systems that participate in the Windows Customer Experience Improvement Program.” For those who have opted-out of CEIP, KB2952664 has been known to go around the opt-out choice and send data to MS without User permission as shown in Scheduled Tasks “Application Experience,” “Autochk,” and “Customer Experience Improvement Program.”

      2. If KB2952664 is to help businesses upgrade multiple computers to Win10 through a paid Update Analytics Service, it should be distributed through WSUS, NOT WU where unsuspecting uninformed Average Users may check and install it (even if it’s optional). And who knows when it will be turned into a checked important update – maybe next patch Tuesday

      3. Those installing KB2952664 from WU, unknowingly, through ignorance, or by the default Automatic Updates (if it becomes a checked important update), are not benefited. Those who wanted to upgrade to Win10 did so while it was free. And many, who were tricked or forcefully upgraded, are not happy with Win10 now – feedback from many I know. MS is the ONLY entity that reaps a benefit from the data collection – and it’s huge for them.

      In other words, I believe MS is talking out of the side of its corporate mouth AGAIN, to hide the real purpose of KB2952664.

      And, in the process, is carrying those of us who chose not to upgrade closer and closer to the MS-controlled Win10-like systems that we don’t want.

    • I wonder why it is on WU and not just WSUS???
      Must be lagnaippe for MS (that’s a La. word) if the public installs it!!

    • in reply to: MS-DEFCON 3: Time to get your update ducks lined up #33002

      KB2952664 (Win7) and KB2976978 (equivalent for Win8.1) are both back. Compatibility and telemetry. Will MS never give up!!!!

    • in reply to: MS-DEFCON 3: Time to get your update ducks lined up #32949

      Did you switch to a Mac?

    • in reply to: Win10 usage plateaus, while Win7 gets a slight bump up #33265

      It may not be because one or the other operating system is better. They think 8.1 is better because they still have some control and less snooping – at least for a little while longer.

    • in reply to: MS-DEFCON 3: Time to get your update ducks lined up #32870

      Win10 Fall update is 1511, AU is 1607

    • in reply to: In search of a post-patchocalypse block list #33573

      I’m still seeing KB3021917, 3068708 and 3080149 show up in WU.

    • in reply to: How to view JNT files? #33301

      Use Win10 built-in VM
      Install XP or Win7 SP1 – will have Journal intact.
      Update hiding KB3161102.
      Use VM/Journal offline if you concerned about security.

    • in reply to: How to view JNT files? #33295

      Did you see this?

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