• Barry Phillips

    Barry Phillips


    Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
    • in reply to: Coming changes to the Windows Secrets newsletter #1546465

      I’ve been a paid subscriber for years, and have no problem with the new format and subscription model.

      I don’t expect the newsletter staff to work for free.

      Business environments change all the time. Rate increases happen all the time.

      See post #27 for the current definition of “lifetime”.

      Again, personal choice.

      I read post #27. Words have meaning. Lifetime does not mean 5 years. Lifetime means for the lifetime of the subscriber in that context. When I made a lifetime contribution to WS, it was a good faith effort on my part. WS should negotiate the terms with Penton to keep its prior committment to lifetime subscribers. To do less demonstrates a bad faith effort on the part of WS.

    • in reply to: Coming changes to the Windows Secrets newsletter #1546089

      Wouldn’t it be more correct to say that Penton acquired WS with all its rights AND obligations? You can’t just take the rights and walk away from the obligations.

      Yes, that is correct.

    • in reply to: Coming changes to the Windows Secrets newsletter #1546088

      Yes, that is correct. Both assets and liabilities are part of the acquisition. A lifetime subscription could be viewed as a liability and therefore a legal obligation on the part of Penton.

    • in reply to: Coming changes to the Windows Secrets newsletter #1546080

      What about those of us who paid the one time fee a number of years ago for a life-time subscription? I would expect that you would still honor that, but you don’t mention it. Please let us know. Thanks.

      Good business ethics dictate that Windows Secrets honor its committment to lifetime subscribers. Are you or are you not?

    • in reply to: Dr. Jane Goodall: The soul of patience #1498337

      Hilarious! I could not stop laughing. Thank you Kathleen.

    Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)