Changing Patch Watch and giving you more informationVoices: 17, Replies: 28
Windows 7 users – sites start to impactVoices: 18, Replies: 31
CentOS deadVoices: 10, Replies: 17
December 2020 Office non-Security Updates have been releasedVoices: 5, Replies: 12
MS-DEFCON 4 – It’s time to Patch for NovVoices: 43, Replies: 120
Microsoft re-releases buggy July .NET Security Only patchesVoices: 11, Replies: 15
The TRS-80 turns 43 years oldVoices: 24, Replies: 34
Outlook went down for four hours yesterday. What happened? How did Microsoft fix it?Voices: 20, Replies: 26
Patch lady – don’t forget I need your feedback!Voices: 4, Replies: 3
PC sales rose significantly in the second quarter. Chromebooks, too.Voices: 9, Replies: 11
Win10 codec security holeVoices: 17, Replies: 33
Adobe license revoked … Hello, Updated TermsVoices: 17, Replies: 24
Patch Lady – Windows 7 ESU last minute requirementVoices: 22, Replies: 31
Will Microsoft forcibly change the Chrome default search engine to Bing?Voices: 37, Replies: 98
Google shutting down Cloud Print late next yearVoices: 11, Replies: 22