• Oilujarm



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    • in reply to: Microsoft forcing Copilot for Excel #2746727

      No virus has been detected

    • in reply to: Microsoft forcing Copilot for Excel #2746723

      Well, it seems the possibility is here.


      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • I just want to advise you that the problem has been solved by Microsoft’s technical support. They have kept a chat going with me for 10 days. Thanks to everybody that helped me in this forum. See you again!

    • I don’t have an iphone so can’t tell you how to check the settings there but this might help to check what the correct settings are: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201320

      As an alternative, https://mailsettings.net/iphone/movistar.es/ shows that the imap settings are

      Incoming (IMAP) Mail Server Configuration
      Server Hostname imap.movistar.es
      Server Port 143
      Username The part before the @ sign of your e-mail address
      Authentication Password
      SSL/TLS Yes

      Outgoing Mail Server Configuration
      Server Hostname smtp.movistar.es
      Server Port 25
      Username The part before the @ sign of your e-mail address
      Authentication Password
      SSL/TLS Yes

      Once you’ve got the correct setting information…

      I’m assuming by Outlook365 you’re talking about the outlook application installed on your laptop. IF that is correct, you can check/set these settings as follows:
      1. Click “File”
      2. On the right hand side, click “Account Settings”
      3. In the drop down, click “Account Settings”
      4. In the dialog box that comes up, click on you email account then “Change” in the menu
      5. Check the settings “Server information”, “Logon Information” match the above and then click “More settings”
      6. Click the “Advanced” tab and check that the incoming server port matches the above, that “This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL/TLS)” is selected. While you’re their you can also check whether the smtp settings are correct.


      I have followed your first link and I have been able to check my Iphone settings. For IMAP the user’s SSL button is unchecked and the port is 143. For SMTP the user’s SSL button is also unchecked and the port is 25. The mail settings on my Laptop are: IMAP No encrypting. Port 143. SMTP Encrypting STARTTLS Port 25.
      By the way, I have also deleted and added back the password and restarted Outlook, all without effect. When I refer to Outlook365 I’m trying to make clear that it is the Outlook application integrated in Microsoft 365, Office package, installed in my laptop.

    • The only support available at the website is for edit/recover passwords

    • Since you don’t mention who is your email provider (Outlook is your email Program) we can’t give you exact information.

      On your email provider’s website, there is information on the correct ports and security settings to use for outgoing=send (SMTP) mail. Go to your email provider’s website and look for these settings (probably under Support – email setup/server settings).

      Well thanks, I’m in Spain and my email provider is Movistar. Their website settings for my account indicate that IMAP’s port is 143 and there is no connection security. SMTP’s port is 25 and there is no connection security. None of these settings can be edited

    • Thanks, this is too technical for me, I’m afraid

      The information provided is necessary for you to receive mail. If the settings are wrong you will never receive mail.

      My immediate thoughts would be the security/port settings for your imap/pop3 server. For example, “insecure” settings are encryption = none and port = 143 (imap)/110 (pop3) respectively whereas the “secure” settings are encryption=SSL/TLS and ports = 993/995 respectively. Check those settings on your phone and see if your computer is set the same.

      Well I have an Iphone and I am unable to find how to check settings there. However, my laptop settings are IMAP No encryption and port 143. POP3 is also No encryption and port 110. Let me remember that I have no problems with the POP3 account and the IMAP account can send but not receive. I have tried to change the IMAP settings changing 143 to 993, this is allowed, but Outlook does not accept encryption SSL/TLS it keeps asking me to go back and review. Finally, I have decided to go back to the original 143 with No encryption, but then Outlook rejects changing back to No encryption, 993.
      The mail is still not being received

    • It has never happened to me before that all of a sudden, these settings change. It’s been over four years since I have been working with this laptop without this problem appearing. I’ll do my best to find out the present settings

    • Thanks, this is too technical for me, I’m afraid

    • The LAN driver is still loaded even not when in use.

      Go into Device Manager – expand Network adapters – right click on the Ethernet adapter and select Disable and then see if you get back the sound.

      I have done this but the only Network adapters listed are:
      2 Bluetooth devices and one Intel Gigabit 82579 Network connection and one Intel Centrino Ultimate N6300 AGN.
      Any of them is a Ethernet adapter?

    • For audio/video problems like this I particularly like the DirectX tools. There’s a dynamite little testing tool under Help | About, in the DirectX 12 setup program. It gives you immediate and most helpful feedback on your mics, speakers and camera.

      By doing this you can separate microphone problems from Skype problems.

      There’s a simpler microphone testing tool under Control Panel | Sound | Recording. However it really is rather simplistic.

      Thank you.
      As a matter of fact my Lenovo W10 in Control Panel-> Hardware and Sound Display has also an entry for Realtek HD Audiomanager. It allows the possibility of setting volumes both for loudspeakers and microphone, but it does not give any diagnostic about something working or not and how to fix it.
      There is an information menu that shows that this is
      Direct X version: DirectX 12.0
      Audio Driver Version:
      Audio Controller: HD Audio
      Audio Codec: ALC3202
      Language: Auto

      W10 Control panel Information about the microphone recording performance indicates that the device is performing correctly.

      Is my information useful for you?

    • Are all of your drivers updated to accommodate Win 10 ?

      I’ve come across where there has been a driver conflict with the LAN adapter driver and audio and the LAN needed to be reinstalled or disabled before audio would work in Win 10.

      Thanks for your help
      Sorry but I am not too technical and I am lost by your suggestion to check LAN adapter driver. To me LAN makes me think only of a local area network and the laptops I refer to are neither connected between themselves nor connected to any local area network. I don’t really know what to check or how to check it

    • in reply to: Installing Adobe’s PDF Reader free version #1536292

      Yes, going this way it did. Many thanks for the wonderful help

    • in reply to: Many hyperlinks can’t be opened when running Edge #1536005

      Thanks to everybody for your advice.
      I now believe it will gradually solve by itself, it has gotten a little bit better but it’s still annoying. However I’m prepared to live with it

    • Well, Joe, you had the right idea. It was not a stuck key but something inside the mouse, don`t ask me what, but after shaking it, blowing it and reconnecting it everything came back to normal. Hardware problem, nothing to do with poor old Vista. Thanks, great help!

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