How do I configure DNS over HTTPS (DoH)?Voices: 5, Replies: 10
Patch Lady – remoting into a desktop without VPNVoices: 13, Replies: 30
Patch Lady – Office 365 ATP this shouldn’t be missedVoices: 7, Replies: 11
Plea for spare computing power in new disease therapiesVoices: 14, Replies: 22
Microsoft Teredo Tunneling AdapterVoices: 4, Replies: 14
Patch Lady – are you an IT pro?Voices: 4, Replies: 3
What am i doing wrong? (Networking problems)Voices: 7, Replies: 21
MS-DEFCON 3: Time to get the August 2019 patches installedVoices: 43, Replies: 170
Patch Lady – How to avoid using RDP in WindowsVoices: 22, Replies: 54
June 2019 Patch Tuesday is rolling outVoices: 30, Replies: 92
Are you being pushed from Win10 1803 to 1903? Tell me about it.Voices: 31, Replies: 87
Dell patches SupportAssist, but other PC-Doctor software still vulnerableVoices: 13, Replies: 21
Nightmares, Computers and WifeyVoices: 9, Replies: 11
Windows 10 Home UltraVoices: 18, Replies: 28
AllDup – does anyone have experience with this duplicate file finder?Voices: 3, Replies: 7