• John Montague

    John Montague


    Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
    • in reply to: Underused tools hiding in Windows 7 and 8 #1462693

      My Win7 Ultimate installation (Dell XPS-17 with Win7 factory install, upgraded to Ultimate) does not show “Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter.” Is there a way to add it?

      I too have a energy-report.html that cannot be opened in IE10. There is also an energy-report.xml file that can be opened with a variety of editors (Word 2010, UltraEdit, Notepad) but none will render the report — reading raw XML is not enjoyable!

    • in reply to: New Year’s resolutions of mysteries #1373464

      Those bad neutral wiring issues definately need quick attention. While the vast majority of residential service is two phase which leads to the potential (pun intended) of two different voltages at a given instant in your home, some residences and most industrial locations have three phase service which leads to the possibility of three different voltages , one each on the set of circuits wired to each phase.

      If you have lights that dim when an appliance starts there is a problem needing attention from a qualified electrician! Hire the best, it is cheap insurance.

      This is a personal opinion. J.M., Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Life Senior Member

    • Thanks! That cured the problem. I don’t know why that article didn’t show up when I searched the support site back in May when the issue arose.
      There are some things that anyone following this procedure should know:

        [*]Before creating a new default pst, be sure to capture the file location(s) for any non default pst files that you have configured in Outlook
        [*]If you have additional email accounts configured (i.e., in addition to the primary one that the default pst is linked to), have the credentials for those accounts available before creating the new default pst.
        [*]The new default pst will be empty. To retrieve messages, calendar entries, notes, contacts, etc., you can add the old default pst as a non-default pst. Unless you had changed the display name of the account that the old default pst was linked to you will likely have two accounts named “EmailAcctName@Domain”, the new default pst at the top and the old (now non-default) pst below. To move contents to the new default pst:

        [*]For each folder in the old pst, display the folder and move all its contents to the same folder in the new default pst (Ctl-A to select all, drag & drop)
        [*]Configure the new pst folders as desired (view, reading pane, etc.)
        [*]Right click the old pst’s name and select Close
        [*]If desired, the old pst file can be deleted after Outlook is closed


    • in reply to: Using WIFI in an apartment complex #1288070


      I have no experience with the UVerse router but most router/waypoint cobos have a setting to disable the IEEE802.11 transmitter. If such an option is available that would eliminate the near signal (STRONG) from the UVerse waypoint letting you use the your Cisco dual band wireless-N router sans interference from the colocated UVerse equipment. Then, connect the “WAN/Cablemodem” input on the Cisco box to any LAN port on the UVerse box and leave all other LAN connections on the Cisco router. I assume that the UVerse box is configured to provide DHCP service, if so then you would want to disable DHCP in the Cisco router (or alternatively disable DHCP in the UVerse box and configure the connection between the UVerse box and the Cisco router to use a static IP assignment).

      Good luck.

      IEEE Life Senior Member
      Cofounder of IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standard Working Group

    • in reply to: Justify to bottom of page (any) #686035

      Spence – Exactly what I need. Thank you.

    Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)