• Mary Branscombe

    Mary Branscombe


    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 84 total)
    • in reply to: Make the most of the snipping tools in Windows #2753487

      yes, I do wish he’d found a way to have it continue but selling a tiny brand when your accountant is pushing you to wrap up the business must be a lot of work and I think he’d have had to rip out the licensing system to make it open source. I still hope someone might find a way to rescue it!

    • in reply to: How to manage Microsoft Store apps #2752817

      which examples do you mean? I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to achieve?

    • in reply to: How to manage Microsoft Store apps #2752816

      You can absolutely use the AppsFolder technique below, but there’s an easier way; find the app on the Start menu (if you’re using Windows 11, you’ll probably have to look in Start | All apps) and just drag it from the Start menu onto the desktop and Windows will make a shortcut on the desktop for you.

    • in reply to: Make the most of the snipping tools in Windows #2747447

      it doesn’t look as if it has an option to import ClipMate backups, so you’d probably have to copy each ClipMate collection item to a CopyQ tab individually; if you’re going to that much effort you may want to look into some of the other clipboard managers as well (Ditto, AceText, ClipboardFusion, ClipClip, ClipJump, Clipto – but I don’t think any of them match up to ClipMate, personally).

      If you want to grab the ClipMate installer just in case, it’s at http://www.clipmate.com/download.htm

      If you need the ClipMate licence keys, you can find them here http://www.clipmate.com/buynow.php?prod=CM&ec=PLIMUS

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: Make the most of the snipping tools in Windows #2747432

      I adore ClipMate and I still use it every day and I have the free licence codes saved for putting on all my new machines (and I bug Microsoft to make sure it works under emulation for Windows on Arm), but because the developer retired and isn’t going to work on it any more, I have been worried about Windows changes making it stop working one day (and the UI doesn’t cope well with modern screen resolutions). I’d always hoped someone might persuade the ClipMate dev to open source his code: great to hear there’s something similar and it looks like if you’re able to use the scripting language you can create many of the text editing features built in to ClipMate (and make your own like the ClipMate macros), and there are a bunch of plugins that add more of the functionality and even (to keep this on topic) take screenshots, but not with the ClipMate option of including the cursor. The area where it seems to miss most of the ClipMate functionality is search: looks like just a word wheel text filter rather than the many filtering options based on source, capture time and format, or the canned searches that created virtual folders – but since it’s open source, there’s always the hope someone will decide to work on those features! thanks for the link!



    • in reply to: Make the most of the snipping tools in Windows #2747169

      Because I had a question about this elsewhere and I didn’t mention how to handle HDR if you have an HDR system and want to capture screenshots, there’s an option in the Windows 11 Snipping Tool to handle HDR; and because most HDR is still in games, when you use the Game Bar to take a screenshot, that will automatically handle both HDR and fixed-colour SDR.


    • in reply to: Make the most of the snipping tools in Windows #2747127

      Taking the screenshots for this post meant using *all* of the different tools I mention; not just to test that they all worked the way I thought they did, but so that I could use one snipping tool to take a screenshot of another. At one point I even hauled out the tool I used before OneNote got a snipping tool, ClipMate – because it has an option to capture the cursor as well!

    • in reply to: PowerToys to manage your window layouts #2739238

      the idea is that you do a bit more work once and then spend a lot less time rearranging windows every other time you use your PC!

      which kind of layout did you want to see an image of? whether it’s FancyZones or Workspaces, it’s just your application windows in the layout you want to have them in, so it’s going to look very much a screenshot of someone using Windows so I focused on using the images to show which options you have to work with (like getting rid of the big gaps in the default FancyZones layouts) but if there’s something you particularly wanted to see, I think I can drop a screenshot here.

    • in reply to: The state of OneNote in 2024 #2726192

      It took so long for Loop to get into OneNote, I think a lot of us forgot how useful the components could be!

    • in reply to: Tracking protection in Edge: Going to bat for privacy #2722417

      In Edge, click the three dots menu on the far right of the toolbar and choose Help and Feedback | Send Feedback. You can include diagnostic data, add a screenshot if it’s a problem with a specific web site or just type in what’s not working. Sadly there’s not a public database to see if an issue you have is a common problem.

    • in reply to: Make the most of PowerToys Run #2718353

      glad you found it useful; I know I’ve written a lot about all the different PowerToys but Run is probably my favourite!

    • in reply to: Tracking protection in Edge: Going to bat for privacy #2715149

      I would definitely report that one as a bug as it’s not the expected behaviour; it would certainly infuriate me!

    • in reply to: Managing your hardware with PowerToys #2712179

      I’d covered where to get PowerToys in the first part of the series but you’re right, it’s probably worth mentioning it each time!


      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: Managing your hardware with PowerToys #2711727

      by the way, if you’re thinking ‘gosh that’s a lot of PowerToys, it’s hard to find them in the interface’, there’s a proposal to organise them into groups – which almost but not quite match the way I’m splitting them up for this series!

      more details at https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/issues/23744

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: Tracking protection in Edge: Going to bat for privacy #2711191

      Edge is in the iOS and Play stores, if you want a mobile version to sync favourites, passwords and so on (although the iOS version is obviously Safari underneath because Apple doesn’t allow multiple browser engines).


      If you want a ‘portable’ version that you can use without installing (which you will have to update manually every time there’s a new release of Edge to stay secure), you could try this tool: https://github.com/UndertakerBen/PorEdgeUpd/releases

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