• magic



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    • Quick update …

      Built a fresh physical machine (ThinkPad L460) via our corporate SCCM image, updated it to February 2020 then March 2020 successfully.  Perhaps hardware or installed software specific?

      Patches were downloaded 2300GMT on Tuesday night by SCCM.

      A quick google turned this up for a similar issue : https://serverfault.com/questions/1006694/determine-the-root-cause-of-windows-update-rendering-pcs-unbootable

      I wasn’t able to reproduce it.

    • Anyone seeing problems with KB4541505 or KB4541509 on Windows 8.1?

      Reports from a colleagues other half of PCs failing to boot after attempting to install. Can’t be rolled back, cleaned up etc – requires a re-image.

      Currently building a test machine to find out …

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by magic.
      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: Fresh reports of HP PC shortages #2190388

      Work have been experiencing delays on Lenovo kit for 4+ months, both desktop and ThinkPads. Standard response is “Intel CPU shortages”.

    • in reply to: Patch Lady – Windows 7 ESU last minute requirement #2139785

      Quick one to say that KB4538483 showed up in WSUS, and was automatically approved and deployed by SCCM for our environment. No manual deployment necessary.

      • This reply was modified 5 years ago by magic.
      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • Might be wider than just Surfaces? I’ve seen various ThinkPads getting stuck at 800MHz (base speedstep frequency) on 1809/1903 when on mains power recently. Unplug the mains and they pop back to normal frequency scaling, put it back in again … and blammo … 800MHz .

      Full (shift click) shutdown and a BIOS/EFI reset seems to fix it … for a while. Then it comes back again.

    • Now I’m feeling guilty for not insider testing this mess! 🤣

      This change (who requested it anyway?) should have tripped some alert at Microsoft. We’re enterprise customers and they’re hosting services for customers on subdomains of this TLD.

      Finally got a support call logged for this. Let’s see how Microsoft respond.

    • in reply to: May 2019 Patch Tuesday arrives #1659684

      Sorry missed the reply.

      After some testing, any of the May 2019 cumulative patches for Windows 8.1 and 10 with HSTS. The one affecting my client is KB4499167.  For Windows 7 specifically KB4498206, which also included in the rollups KB4499164 and KB4499175 for Windows 7.

      “gov.uk” is the main site for the UK government. It’s used for online applications for car tax, passports, driving licenses. That sort of very important stuff which requires a secure connection, and has been HTTPS for years.

      Then you get a level down to local government, where there’s 400+ local councils. They have placename.gov.uk domains, which this just broke as we got no warning that HSTS was being enforced. I’m an infrastructure tech for for a local council with 250,000 residents. A bunch of internal systems (that don’t require HTTPS) stopped working after I got the patches to test on Wednesday morning.

      For us it prevents access to the publicly accessible democracy data and the planning system among others. Both of these are maintained by external systems providers so it’s not a five minute job to add a certificate.  The main website is fine for us, other councils don’t even have HTTPS enabled on those. I got a tweet before from someone advising that reading.gov.uk and doncaster.gov.uk are inaccessible.

      I can cancel or delay the patch to our internal clients, but we’ve got zero control over the patching on customers machines. Yes, we can advise them to use Chrome, Firefox etc, but it still going to generate a significant load on customer services.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by magic.
      2 users thanked author for this post.
      woody, b
    • in reply to: May 2019 Patch Tuesday arrives #1628921

      Well yeah. It prevents access in IE and Edge, so it is the browser.

    • in reply to: May 2019 Patch Tuesday arrives #1628872

      Bravo! Top job Microsoft. Security patches by the truckload (fine), and also an HSTS change you sneaked in with no notice which just made a number of websites inaccessible to those installing the patches … less than a week before an election.


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    • My favourite was installing the PSU in a particular orientation because it grounded properly and prevented electric shocks. It also blocked the fan off. 🤦‍♂️

      A couple of the well known YT tech channels offered to collaborate on doing a quality replacement video with The Verge and they just buried their head in the sand in denial.

    • Upgrade to an SSD and the ThinkCentre will be transformed!

      I’ve recently bought a refurbished Thinkpad T540p , that’s getting upgraded to Windows 7 next week…

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • The Verge don’t deserve any respect. They’re still in denial after their “How to build a PC” video that was a trainwreck. Waited five months then tried to DMCA strike YouTubers who explained why it was bad content…

      2 users thanked author for this post.
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