H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusDid you put the double quotes around “%1” when you added it to the end of the command line like Hans said in his message? If you did not, that would cause this problem with any file that has a space in the name,
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusI wonder if they have figured out yet what their customers think of the Registration/Activation wizard and the user interface in the current versions of Office and Windows?
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusI think questions 1 & 2 are bad questions:
For question 1 I answered Fill Series which I think is correct. I do not think that Fill Handle is correct since it could also result in Fill Copy which would not do what was asked.
For question e I answered “None of the above” since Paste/Special/Transpose was not a choice and I think Pivot Table is not the best tool to do what was asked, even if it can accomplish the desired result it is to complicated for the asked question.
I got all the rest correct.
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusThanks. I played ariund with InternetConnect but I can’t figure out how to make it work.
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusOK, I think I see the problem. The download is from a proprietary site which I have to log onto before I can download the files. I thought that, if I was currently logged onto the site in IE, then I could use this to download the files.. However, it looks like the 12kb file is actually the HTML for a logon page. Any way around that.
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusI thought that was going to work. I tested it by downloading a .xls file from here in the lounge and everything went perfectly. However, when I tried it on the real file that I need to download (a 23meg .mpg file), the file I ended up with was 12kb. I didn’t get any reported error. Do you know if there is some limit on what can be downloaded using this?
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusThanks, I’ll take a look at that. WININET.DLL does seem to be there.
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusThanks. However, I have just had to buy a new computer and much to my dislike the new one came with VISTA Home Premimum installed. From what I can find out by searching the MS web site, MSINET.OCX does not come with VISTA, and I can’t find where it was replaced with something else. It also looks like the old MSINET.OCX can not be installed on VISTA.
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusNo, you have several problems. First, ISEMPTY only works on a single cell not a range. Second, your IF statement doesn’t do anything if ISEMPTY returns true. Does this do what you want?
Sub ss()
Dim i As Integer
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "1"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
For i = 1 To Range("a1:a7").Cells.Count
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1)) Then
Exit For
End If
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C+1"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Next i
End Sub
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusIn addition to what Hans has said, from what I see you do not need either the WORKDAY or the DAY functions in this case. You could just format A3 as “ddd dd”. If you need the result in another cell, then in that cell you could just use =A3 and format that cell as “ddd dd”.
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusWell, it has been almost a week since I read a post somewhere here in the Lounge about a problem someone was having that was caused by the Registration/Activation Wizard. The fact that a lot of people have been using it for 6 years does not mean that a bug won’t crop up tomorrow that will shut them all down. These are the same programmers that produced Windows security code after all. I have told XP to use the classic interface, but it is still different in ways that I so far do not like. I am sitting here right now looking at the new IE 7 interface that has move everything on the tool bars around, changed the icons and look, and removed the control that use to allow me to change things around to the way that I like.
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusIf “time displays as military time in the column and am/pm time in the formula bar”, then that indicates that those values are Excel Date Time values. However, you haven’t told us anything that we can use to determine if those values also contain the date. If those values do not contain the date, then they will sort in order without reguard to which date they fall on. Are the dates by chance in a different column. You could save us all a lot of time trying to figure out what you have if you would upload the workbook. You can delete everything but the column or columns that contain the dates and times.
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusIn my opinion, all MS software that contains the Registration/Activation Wizard is a pain and is broken. I was just forced to downgrade from Windows and Office 2K to Windows and Office XP since the AntiVirus software I was using stopped supporting Windows 2K and the only AV software I could find that claimed to still run on W2K caused W2K to not boot any longer. So, now I am not only forced to risk the Registration/Activation Wizard deciding that I don’t have a valid installation and refusing to give me access to my data, but I now have a user interface which I do not like as well as 2K.
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusThanks, I’ll take a look.
H. Legare Coleman
AskWoody PlusThe “o” in front of oCell does not tell VBA anything. It is simply a naming convention that tell people reading the macro that the variable is an Object variable and therefore requires the use of the SET statement to assign a value to it. It is the DIM oCell statement that tells VBA something. There is absolutely nothing that would prevent you from using the DIM statement DIM oCell As Integer and then using oCell to hold integer values. However, that might confuse people reading the macro code.
What might have to be changed in a Sub Procedure to be able to copy it and paste it into another workbook depends completely on what is in the code in the procedure. For example, if the code is in a Worksheet Module and uses the ME. object to refer to the worksheet, and you copy and paste the code into a regular module in another workbook, then ME. will be undefined when the macro runs and must be changed to another way of refering to the worksheet like ActiveSheet. One thing that most likely would always need to be changed when moving code from an of the special modules like the a WorkSheet module to a regular module is the procedure name. Having a procedure with one of the special event procedure names like Worksheet_Change in a regular module could confuse VBA.
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