• laidbacktokyo



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    • Well.. funny … what’s about a stuff like below in return to the above command 🙂 ?

      It’s taken fom the genuine licensed dell oem win7 ultimate x64:


      Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
      Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

      C:\Users\…>wmic Path SoftwareLicensingProduct Get Description, Name /value

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, OEM_COA_SLP channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, VOLUME_MAK channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Client-ESU-Year2 add-on for Enterprise,Professional,Enterpris

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, VOLUME_MAK channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Client-ESU-Year3 add-on for Enterprise,Professional,Enterpris

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, RETAIL channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, RETAIL channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, OCUR add-on for Ultimate,HomePremium,Enterprise,Professional,

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, OEM_COA_NSLP channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, VOLUME_MAK channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Client-ESU-Year1 add-on for Enterprise,Professional,Enterpris

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, OEM_SLP channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, TIMEBASED_SUB channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, VOLUME_MAK channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Client-FES-ESU-Year3 add-on for Professional,ProfessionalE,Pr

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, RETAIL channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, VOLUME_MAK channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Client-FES-ESU-Year1 add-on for Professional,ProfessionalE,Pr

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, VOLUME_MAK channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Client-FES-ESU-Year2 add-on for Professional,ProfessionalE,Pr

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, RETAIL channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, RETAIL channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, OCUR add-on for Ultimate,HomePremium,Enterprise,Professional,

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, OEM_SLP channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, OEM_COA_SLP channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, RETAIL channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition

      Description=Windows Operating System – Windows(R) 7, OEM_COA_NSLP channel
      Name=Windows(R) 7, Ultimate edition



    • well, it would be good to keep in mind that a some half of windows machines are yet on win7, so I guess there is some sense to start a thread concerning the win7 July Preview this month surprisingly released up to m$ initial official schedule for a monthly rollup & preview (3rd Tuesday of a month) – https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4507437 – July 16, 2019—KB4507437 (Preview of Monthly Rollup) along with the standalone out-of-band IE11 cumulative patch 11.0.136 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4510979/cumulative-update-for-internet-explorer – Cumulative update for Internet Explorer: July 16, 2019 although the last one naturally included into the above preview.

      both above are tested ok or maybe even better than a July rollup & the integrated IE11.0.135.

      p.s. java was also updated to 8.0.221 as of yesterday.

    • in reply to: Third Tuesday patches are out, but not for Win10 1903 #1850303

      p.s. win7 June 20, 2019—KB4503277 (Preview of Monthly Rollup) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4503277/june-18-2019-kb4503277-os-build-preview-of-monthly-rollup just released.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: Third Tuesday patches are out, but not for Win10 1903 #1849921

      This Chromium Edge Canary preview for win7 v77.0.196.0 as of today web installer is available here https://www.microsoftedgeinsider.com/en-us/?form=MO12FW&OCID=MO12FW

      It was installed today to C:\Users\…\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge SxS\ and performs nicely in a same way as Firefox or Chrome do. BTW, it seems to load videocard less than both ones above.

      P.S. It doesn’t replace IE11. Also its video abilities are surely updated. Anyhow you can always test them online either here https://html5test.com/ or here https://www.youtube.com/html5

      P.P.S. It’s already reasonably multilingual.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: Third Tuesday patches are out, but not for Win10 1903 #1848732

      Well, I’m sorry to say that it’s not completely correct.

      If you’re on win7 then Preview of Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8 for Windows 7 SP1 and Server 2008 R2 SP1 (KB4503865) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4503865/preview-of-quality-rollup-for-net-framework-june-18-2019 has been offered yesterday thru win7uc. Naturally as optional.

      Also if you have .NET FW 4.8 installed on win7 then you’ll need the only 4.8 part the above preview as Description of Preview of Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7 SP1 and Server 2008 R2 SP1 (KB4502568) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4502568/preview-of-quality-rollup-for-net-framework-june-18-2019 of some 32.5MB in total download. It has been installed manually and seems harmless.

      The funny point of these .NET FW 4.8 updates on win7 is that if you install them manually thru .exe installer then this installer shows that it installs .NET FW 4.8.2, which is almost impossible within just a couple of months after the initial release of .NET FW 4.8 🙂 Pls refer to a pic below:2019-06-18-Tue_0-2-1-0_.NET-FW-4.8-UPDATE-KB4502568-INSTALLER-SHOWS-VERSION-4.8.2_M4300_SNAPSHOT

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: June 2019 Patch Tuesday is rolling out #1840635

      UPDATE: well, I’ve duly try to apply that official m$ script as above https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4508640/event-viewer-may-close-or-you-may-receive-an-error-when-using-custom-v both thru Power Shell x64 6.2.0 as well as thru the native win7 PS w/o any good result. The issue persists, so again rolling back to May 2019 Preview.

    • in reply to: June 2019 Patch Tuesday is rolling out #1840407

      The similar / same MMC snap-in issue with June 11, 2019—KB4503292 (Monthly Rollup) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4503292 on win7sp1x64. Pls refer to a pic attached:


      An attempt to resolve issue as deleting both keys FX:{b05566ad-fe9c-4363-be05-7a4cbb7cb510} found in registry and rebooting win7 laptop returned no results while this MMC issue persists. Then this June 2019 Rollup has been uninstalled and this issue vanished immediately while win7 now is back on May 2019 Preview state.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: Windows Update for Windows 7 after 1-2020 #1692756

      also please refer to the attached copy of usb3.0 drivers’ files as taken by me from the genuine Dell’s win7sp1x64pro .iso dated of 2017-04-27


    • pls try to enable an option of extensions’ debugging here – about:debugging#addons

    • win10 1903 so-called 20H 18890.1000 released yesterday May 1st.

      m$ is likely trying to repair the after-boot screen troubles of 18875.1000… although it has been visually repaired in 18875.1001…  also the Home Group has been officially removed from now on 🙂


    • yep, it’s confirmed for win7 at least – preview apr2019 released:





      UPDATE: well all looks not bad.. after install preview… there’re no problem…. although it’s almost same as apr2019 rollup except its 25MB up funnier…

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • Another “anomaly” – KB4487256 2019-02 Preview of Monthly Quality Rollup for .NET 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1 Windows 7 was the .NET preview that was available in mid-February. I expected a monthly .NET patch to be released on Patch Tuesday in March. But there was no .NET patch in March nor in April. Are there problems with this patch?

      sorry, wrong guess 🙂 the update has been released in March 2019 as an update not rollup:


      with an option of .net 3.5.1 standalone @ m$ catalogue:


      on the other hand it wasn’t offered thru win7 update center… then it looks nothing new comparing to feb2019 rollup preview… maybe except some minor changes concerning the Japanese Era formatting 🙂

      p.s. I agree – where this d*** preview of apr2019! maybe yet to repairing all around of the multiple antivirus issues found, huh? 🙂

      p.p.s. Well I appreciate you kind up-to-rules editing… Although it gives no changes to the basics of askwoody com. The recent commercialize approach is beyond any questions. It’s ok naturally. Also the almost total switch to discuss win10 mainly. However there are a long number of m$ recent troubles to discuss in maybe attempt to find any solution – for instance…. Well, sorry it sounds like old sake Playboy Party jokes entries…. So haven’t you heard…. that M$ Skype now ver.8 cuts the visible conversations history acquired thru maybe long years use of any earlier ver. of Skype to the max of some 2 years? Too bad.

      p.p.p.s. shall I subscribe to the higher ver. of askwoody com to avoid minor login difficulties @ some askwoody web pages?

    • oops. sorry I forgot to mention of that my win10 as set to be updating manually only not due to its enterprise edition options but its registry manual mod 🙂

    • I yet prefer to use win7 on almost all of my windows machines around but keep one win10 enterprise x86 from times of 10240 on VM as a subscriber of Insider Preview.

      However this VM’s win10 is fully activated by an Enterprise license and now stands on LTSB or LTSC of status + Slow Ring of Insider Preview. Also it’s set for a manual updating only!

      Reference on 1903 appearance timing:

      1. Initial 1903 Build 18342.8 (19h1 2019-03-03-Sun) had issues with Shared Folders.

      2. Then 1903 Build 18356.16 (19h1 2019-03-21-Thu)  – basically ok!

      3. Then 1903 Build 18362.1 (19h1 2019-04-03-Wed) – even better!

      4. Then after install of KB4497464 1903 Build 18362.30 (2019-04-05-Sat) – even better!

      p.s. Please don’t refer to the above mentioned dates directly. It’s times of my install of upgrades but as far as I remember KB4497464 was dated by m$ as 2019-04-04.


    • Could anybody here please confirm if ISO created thru MediaCrationTool includes the Enterprise version on win10, when commands like

      FOR /L %v IN (1,1,11) DO @dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:G:\sources\install.wim /index:%v|findstr “Name” return no info, in my case at least.



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