• L_Wolf-78



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    • Is quite the convenience given how Microsoft is pulling out of Online Support sometime this month if not already. Have been trying to get straight answer as to when & what EXACTLY is affected by that. Now we have a situation basically like February went again.

      If anything am glad I was able to find some post’s about blocking any further “updates” from Window’s 10 after a 2nd trip to (luckily) a Microsoft Store within my city for the 2nd Factory Reset. All because of 1803!! This last trip was almost 2 week’s from the initial onslaught which somehow bypassed the configuration from the 1st time to wind up formatting a USB recovery drive & corrupted a CD & DVD BOTH that the Technician at Microsoft helped me get created for Windows 7+10 with 1703 version ISO on the USB stick! Sunday night just to be sure I pulled the Ethernet cable & Monday night pulled the power on my router to be 110% sure “Patch Tuesday” wouldn’t involve a 3rd visit for repairs. Was somehow boosted to 1709 still…But at least it is stable & nothing has gone bad that I actually need to care about (YET!) unless count the useless app store as refusing to acknowledge why it won’t allow even the Troubleshooter to turn it back on.

      Even funnier (if you can get it) is how both times I was into the Microsoft Storefront, they had to try convincing me to upgrade my PC as well as the software from Home to Professional or even Premium edition!! “With this type of upgrade you can then use thing’s like our latest Holo-lens Headset which is not only on display but you can try for yourself right over here…” What good is $400+ on a headset if the stupid OS necessary to run it is bunk?!? Seriously…

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    • in reply to: There’s a seeker born every minute #190490

      Came across the article after the fact. Think that the “seeker” role has a different action than the article & many other’s have already posted. Reason I say that is that on the “expected” release date I was dealing with a restore & then I went back to reinstall the last update between restoration points.

      Found more than expected though! 1709 & the 18 edition were waiting. Not a big deal I thought. After those did the usual I found my computer frozen & needing a restart. This got me a notification that the update didn’t take. For whatever reason this happened about 6-7 time’s. FINALLY get up & running so checked on the expected updates. But this for some reason multiplied the updates while somehow skipping over the original expected. No idea how but had a 1716 update as well as 4x 1809 updates suddenly!! Obviously an error. Standard practice later really had me scratching my head. 1809 was installed with no record of any 16 or 17 editions! Figured wasn’t going to complain about it as everything seemed to be working.

      The next day turning on the message starts rolling about upgrades being configured. Puzzled by this going to the area to see what what upgraded version I had NOW showed that I was actually back to where I was supposed to be. Wondering what happened to the other 2 I tap the button & sure enough! Updates found!! So of course after each update comes the reboot & we all check out what new features we have (either joyfully or woefully) to deal with. “1809 failed to install. Please try again later.” So I do. Only to wind up losing the upgrade just did to 1709!! Several times over went from being up to date to upgraded to downgraded!

      What I found was if I checked out what was in the latest upgrade 1st would show me either upcoming or that there was nothing more. Checking on further updates WOULD FIND! Today I found this article & started to wonder if maybe being a “seeker” was actually a form of punishment by Microsoft. A sort of, “Wait until we are ready to upgrade your system! It is coming!!” Was able to get 1709 & if my system can be trusted any longer, a 1716? version. Not going to check after this article plus the chaos endured already.

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