• JohnReam



    Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
    • in reply to: SCleaner — Stay ahead of the cleaning #2718392

      LOL.   No preferences.   That’s too funny.      Do we really need another cleaner?     Bleachbit does a great job.   Solid and proven tool written by Andy Z. from Colorado USA.


    • in reply to: Is this article plagiarism? Now you can find out. #2701125

      Why did you change your typical Subject: line in this newsletter? You dropped the leading AskWoody Plus , which at least for us impacts email filtering and spam handling. I had to retrieve the newsletter out of spam.

      Issue 21.36.0 – 2024-09-02 – Is this article plagiarism? Now you can find out.

      All previous formats would have been
      AskWoody Plus 21.36.0 – 2024-09-02 – Is this article plagiarism? Now you can find out.

    • in reply to: OneDrive and File Explorer #2681382

      I’ve never used OneDrive and most likely never will.    The are better ways to manage your files without all the headaches OneDrive causes.

    • in reply to: Need An RWZ-File Editor… #2643135

      Its been awhile since this RWZ-file topic was discussed.   Just wanted to share that PowerShell is the answer for these Inbox Rule questions.   Today I was just looking for a detailed listing of my Outlook Rules and the WORDs that the rules were looking for.

      Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
      Get-InboxRule -Mailbox user@contoso.com

      # List All Words in a RULE!

      Get-InboxRule -Mailbox  user@contoso.com| Where-Object -Property Name -eq ‘MyRuleName’ | Select-object Name, Description, Enabled, RedirectTo, MoveToFolder, ForwardTo, DeleteMessage, SubjectOrBodyContainsWords, HeaderContainsWords, BodyContainsWords -ExpandProperty SubjectOrBodyContainsWords

      # Also

      Use the Set-InboxRule cmdlet to modify existing Inbox rules in mailboxes

      Use the New-InboxRule cmdlet to create Inbox rules in mailboxes.


    • in reply to: Can you use a free password manager, or must you pay? #2640252

      Compass Bookmark Manager. Oldie but goodie, a small program that hasn’t been updated since 2001. It works well as a password manager AND also valuable for me as a complete bookmark note taking tool for every website I use.

    • in reply to: Sandboxie-Plus — A safe place for apps to run #2637506

      Or simply enable your free Hyper-V on most editions of Windows 10 and 11, only takes a couple of minute to spin up a Windows guest O/S and play in Microsoft’s  safest sandbox.   One-liner in powershell:  <span class=”hljs-pscommand”>Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature</span><span class=”hljs-parameter”> -Online</span><span class=”hljs-parameter”> -FeatureName</span> <span class=”hljs-pscommand”>Microsoft-Hyper</span>-V<span class=”hljs-parameter”> -All</span>

      Or live dangerously and go ahead and install this boxie freeware, software initially developed decades ago, which includes installing a bunch of services,  software so worthless the owner literally give the software source code away.     Come-on AW, you’re better than this.




    • Or just use a good file explorer search tool.   I stopped using Windows search years ago in favor of Agent Ransack.


      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: SlickRun — A powerful way to launch anything #2604696

      Wasted perfectly good editorial space for this.    There are so many good current event topics  in the Windows world you could have written about.

    • in reply to: MS-DEFCON 3: Side effect with Domain patch #2501720

      Thanks for posting/writing these ‘special alerts’.     I sure wish MS did a better job of stress testing their KB updates prior to release.   I hope that not too many sysadmins got burnt this time around.     Your special alerts are well worth the cost of this subscription and more.   Thanks.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: When should you retire your Apple device? #2500288

      I guess my iPhone 7’s days are numbered.   It isn’t broken and still works perfectly fine.

    • in reply to: HDCleaner — Stay out of my store! #2494798

      HDCleaner looks like another CCleaner want-to-be. Trash. A couple of years ago I dropped CCleaner and tried BleachBit and have never looked back.   www.bleachbit.org



      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: Thunderbird: A worthy alternative to Microsoft Outlook #2472148

      My Outlook is not broken,  so no need to fix it.

      2 users thanked author for this post.
      LH, b
    • in reply to: Beyond Compare is beyond comparison #2464868

      I’ve been using Beyond Compare practically everyday since 2005.

      And yeah, I have a C:\Utils folder too.

      Old school is cool.    LOL


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