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    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 49 total)
    • in reply to: Patch Lady Podcast – reminder backup your Windows 7 #2170619

      Hi Morty. I have the same notifications for February 2020 office updates. All well with your win7 after you installed them? There’s been no mention of them when I search The Lounge. Thanks.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • DEFCON-1 loud & clear, and I’m happy to continue to wait without installing any of the Win7x64 security monthly rollups for September.

      My only confusion is from today’s ComputerWorld article (Woody On Windows): If you followed my instructions about installing last month’s updates as soon as they appeared, you got the first set of September patches installed, and you defended your machine against Microsoft’s second, third and fourth volleys. That, and ensuring IE isn’t your default browser (see preceding section), is the best of all possible worlds.

      I have not installed any of the Win7x64 security monthly rollups for September. After WU removed KB 4524157, I have been offered (with checks) security monthly rollup for Win7x64 KB 4516065 and security update for Win7x64 KB 4474419, both of which are dated 9/10/2019. Are these the “first set of September patches” to which Woody refers and, if so, is he recommending they be installed now if all the other conditions in the above statement are met?

    • in reply to: Windows 8.1 is an excellent choice #230910

      Woody, I know this is off-topic for this thread, but injecting (just this once) since you made mention. Over time I’ve noted your occasional reference to Chromebooks as a preferred alternative to Windows and, by inference, other products. Is there or do you plan a Computerworld article addressing the pros and cons? I realize the Chromebook has been reviewed extensively but your point of view is always appreciated. Alternatively are there forums/sites you (or others here) would recommend to those of us who wish to move away from Windows? Would an “Alternatives to Windows” Lounge Forum be useful?

    • in reply to: Deanna’s Freeware Spotlight: Safe Startup by PrivacyRoot #229289

      Will system restore reverse the mistake as successfully as a full system image back up?

    • Does this apply to September Win7 updates as well?

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • Mea culpa, I’d previously printed out #182019, completed through step 6 by memory, then the brain cramped and I forgot I was supposed to hide the “optional” March and February previews. Once done, kb4088875 and kb4091290 showed up unchecked as “important”.

      Huge thanks mrbrian for your generous patience in responding repeatedly to the same question/s as they come up in the discussion, I would be lost without this community. Thanks to Woody first and foremost, plus all the MVPs and others who contribute so mightily to benefit the rest of us.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • Win 7 x64 SP1, group A. Up to date through February. Like others I installed kb4100480 and subsequently kb4099950, but I’m getting neither KB4088875 nor KB4099467, even after rebooting, when I re-check for updates. Don’t know if its absence is an issue since I didn’t plan to install KB4088875 (especially if it’s unchecked), had planned to see what sugars out in April. My question is whether my NOT getting KB4088875 warrants my further attention and, if so, what more I can do to “bring it on” (e.g., should I hide the unchecked preview rollup that is listed in the “optional” section?).

    • in reply to: Patch Alert: February 2018 #171015

      I have installed versions of Outlook on 3 computers, none of which use Outlook for email. It seems obvious but it’s not explicitly stated that only if Outlook is installed AND used for email that there’s a security issue. Am I wrong in this assumption/interpretation?

    • WU not working today on my 2 win7x64, have scrolled through @woody lounge posts from “Windows Update Service Not Running!” and “Windows Update for Win7 broken, throwing error 80248015”. I had successfully installed the November Group A updates and was waiting for Msoft’s silent fix, but it clearly did not automatically get fixed on my computers. At this point is there a “best” solution that sugared out from the earlier discussions? Or do I need to try the various ones until one of them works?

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: KRACK attach – bad, but the sky isn’t falling #138112

      Glad sky’s not falling. If it were am I right to think that using ethernet cable from modem OR using VPN would protect?

    • Are we at MS-DEFCON 2 for the Outlook patches that were just released Thursday?

    • Recent group A convert. Downloaded and installed July updates yesterday per Woody’s MS-Defcon 3. Three (3) Security Updates for MS office 2013 were checked. 3213537 (excel) and 3213555 (office) were published 7/11. The third, 4011078, was also checked, the publication date was “today”. I held off on 4011078 to allow time for problems to show up and until I learn a little more about it here. Thanks for any info.

    • in reply to: Split: New Windows 7/8.1 updating method coming #116590

      @PKCano, I’m not sure why my post (just above, on May 18 at 3:44 pm #116260) was moved here as it wasn’t political in nature and I think it was on topic…?

    • in reply to: Split: New Windows 7/8.1 updating method coming #116260

      I’ve been on board with Group B since the beginning, and have found the patching “as directed” very straightforward. More time consuming has been keeping up with changes “out there” including MSoft practices and the hack of the moment. I try to follow the many discussions so that I at least understand the issues if not all the “programming” details.

      Even though I’ve not yet made the decision to leave Group B, I hope Woody will deliver the step by step for switching from Group B to Group A, especially if it’s not a simple cold turkey matter of abandoning Group B procedure and adopting Group A procedure on the chosen month.

      I also wonder if Woody might summarize and advise regarding the issue of hidden KBs, with direction on what to do if one has been skipping/hiding updates forever (e.g., going way back with Susan Bradley)…thankfully without the practice having noticeable negative effect.

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • PKCano, is it unusual that April Rollup didn’t replace the March Rollup, since I didn’t install but didn’t hide the latter?

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