• Hihomumio



    Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)
    • in reply to: The clock is ticking down on free Win10 #1564030

      I did install KB3153199 too, I just didn’t do the two of them together. I did KB3153199 first, then did KB3156017 after that. Doing them separately is how I knew which update caused the problem. I did not have to remove KB3153199, it caused no problems.

      Maybe you should install both parts of MS16-062.

    • in reply to: The clock is ticking down on free Win10 #1563954

      When I installed KB3156017 (by itself) on a Win 7 x64 laptop, I ended up with a black screen which wouldn’t resolve. I rebooted to safe mode and uninstalled that update and the computer was restarted and came up fine. Susan Bradley had noted in this article that this was an unrated kernel update. Has anyone else had any problems with it? I’m not going to install it at this point on any of our other computers.

    • in reply to: Windows update failure #1559788

      I’d love to hear from Susan Bradley about this “slowdown”.

    • in reply to: Puzzled by Windows Security Update: KB2973351 #1473007


      Are you able to bring Susan Bradley’s attention to this particular update KB 2973351? I am also still waiting for word on this and would really like to know what she recommends.

    • in reply to: Can’t locate new update for MSE on Microsoft website #1446954

      Thanks BruceR. The update did show up via Windows update. I had problems trying to get it to install on two machines, it failed after about 10-15 mins of trying to install. I decided to go looking around for info to see if others were having a problem with the update and that was when I wasn’t able to find anything about it. Interestingly enough, I re-checked the KB number based on what you said….and it’s definitely KB2949786 on both and both are Win 7. I wasn’t aware there was another KB number for this update but regardless, when I checked thru Microsoft, I couldn’t find a newer version of MSE. I ended up having to uninstall the version I had and then reinstalled via Windows update. That worked for both the pc and the laptop.

      There are comments here (and elsewhere) that is thus far only available via Windows Update: Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) Released

      (I think your KB number should end in 7, not 6: KB2949787)

      If you install this version on XP you will get a permanent yellow notification tray icon: Microsoft Security Essentials Potentially Unprotected on Windows XP


    • in reply to: Can’t locate new update for MSE on Microsoft website #1446953

      Sudo15, I uninstalled then reinstalled through Windows update…but that newer version was no where to be found going by KB 2949786.

    • in reply to: Cleaning up a crush of MS Office updates #1414529

      Thanks, I’ll have to check that jwitalka. I’m nervous about shutting it down though…trying to save certain info to an on line email provider first.

    • in reply to: Cleaning up a crush of MS Office updates #1414519

      Ugh. “Startup repair can not fix this computer” after installing KB 2876315. Are you able to help Susan?

      ETA: Uh…I kicked the computer and it has started up! I’m thrilled but don’t understand why that would have got it going again?

    • in reply to: Think twice about installing Windows 8.1 Preview #1402409

      Also waiting to hear about KB 2834140…

      Thank you Susan for the info about Windows 8.1, I’ll certainly take your advice onboard as I was thinking of having a play with it.

      With regards to the Patch updates, you have not updated your advice about KB 2834140, do you think it is safe to now install?

      Also, I have been offered KB 2808679, reviewed to version 2.0 on 11th June, which deals with verifying URI ports, any thoughts?



    • in reply to: Flash and Java: It's déjà vu all over again #1381436

      Thanks for that workaround satrow. I do have an ATI graphics card but since I don’t have any burning need to apply the patch, I’ll wait until MS reissues it.

      This has only affected computers with ATI/AMD graphics cards and IGPs of HD4xxx series and earlier.

      See this thread for possible workarounds if you are affected: http://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2159

    • in reply to: Flash and Java: It's déjà vu all over again #1378031

      There’s a problem with Firefox 19 posted here: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2669249 regarding that KB 2670838 update. I’m hiding that one for sure!

    Viewing 11 replies - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)