• Gwb



    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 43 total)
    • in reply to: run-time error 3349 (A2000 SR-1) #733433

      Thanks Hans, I’ve looked at that–only the first two fields are numeric, the first is long integer with values between 10 & 99999 and the second one is integer with values between 1 and 999. I have numerous currency fields and about 4 text fields. Any other suggestions? I have looked at it in Word as a text file, as well as imported it into Excel and looked at it–but I can’t find anything abnormal with it.

    • in reply to: run-time error 3349 (A2000 SR-1) #733434

      Thanks Hans, I’ve looked at that–only the first two fields are numeric, the first is long integer with values between 10 & 99999 and the second one is integer with values between 1 and 999. I have numerous currency fields and about 4 text fields. Any other suggestions? I have looked at it in Word as a text file, as well as imported it into Excel and looked at it–but I can’t find anything abnormal with it.

    • in reply to: time delay (Access2K, sr1a) #590212

      It looks like Pause function will work great–The file only takes a fraction of a second to transfer, but the computer is speedy enough, that it was getting ahead of itself. Thanks.

    • Charlotte,
      Thanks for replying–I think it was a MS Windows XP problem with registering some dll’s. We used the XP’s System Restore to restore the system prior to the problem and it fixed the problem.

    • in reply to: My database application was ru (Access2000 SR1a) #571705

      Thanks, Charlotte, I think that was what happened, I restored it from a backup and it works okay. I actually don’t have OfficeXP, but I do have Word2002 on this machine.

    • in reply to: Windows XP peer-to-peer #570453

      These are two separate problems. The ones that can’t connect are just not seen in the Neighborhood Network.

      The database problem is we can see the tables and link them, but when we try to open them we are getting this message: The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file ‘GarySharedDocsInvoiceArchives.mdb’. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

      On the ODBC, I don’t think so. When the computer with the data tables is running on Win98SE, then it works fine, but on when it is put onto an XP machine, others can’t seemly don’t have permission to view the data.

    • in reply to: slave a hd w/WinXP #569310

      Thanks Mark, I’m gonna try that and see if it works for me.

    • in reply to: combobox and FindFirst (Access2000) #548781

      What I meant was that it didn’t go to any record. But I did some more research on the net and found another code example. This code works for me:

      If Not IsNull(Me.cboCustNum) Then
      With Me.RecordsetClone
      .FindFirst “[tnCMNum]=””” & Me.cboCustNum & “”””
      If Not .NoMatch Then
      Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark
      End If
      End With
      End If


    • in reply to: Rounding in a function (A2000) #541212

      Thanks, Charlotte, that was what I was looking for!

    • in reply to: Rounding in a function (A2000) #541091

      Thanks Chris, that works for me, too.

    • in reply to: refer to a subform in VBS (A2000) #539961

      When I use this, Me.auditsf.Form.RecordSource = “qryauditdetail0000K1” I get this error, Compile error: Method or data member not found. I still need further enlightenment.

    • in reply to: hiding a control (A2K SR1) #531183

      Thanks again Charlotte. I got it to work by using code from the sample database.

    • in reply to: hiding a control (A2K SR1) #531167

      Charlotte–thanks, that works, but I have vertical lines in that detail section to create columns. I made the vertical lines the same height as the detail section, but when it grows, the lines don’t so they become dashed lines. Can I make a function to set the line height? iif([sku]=”REM”,null,funSetLine) Or is there a better way?

    • in reply to: orderby property (ACC2000 SR1a) #531015

      Thanks Charlotte, and yes, I had to fix the field named “Date”. Can you explain to me the difference between a period and an exclamation point as in Me.Orderby and Me!Orderby?

    • in reply to: orderby property (ACC2000 SR1a) #531013

      Thanks Tracy, I got it to work. I found out too, that if I want to sort by multiple fields, I need to enclose them in quotation marks, separated by commas like this: Me.orderby=”InvDate, OrderNum, LineNum”

    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 43 total)