• Gwb



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)
    • in reply to: setting a variable to system date #968827

      I must be missing something:
      When I do this:
      Set SV=DATE
      echo %SV% –I get DATE

      Instead of Thu 08/25/2005

      Does typing these lines at the command prompt give different results than if run in a batch file?

    • in reply to: setting a variable to system date #968809

      The TIME variable is like the DATE variable. However, what I want to do is set a user-defined variable to the system variable DATE. The syntax of: SET SV=DATE sets the variable SV to the word “DATE” instead of the actual system Date. Same way with: SET SV=TIME. I must be overlooking part of the correct syntax.

    • in reply to: FTP via ActiveX (or other) from Access (Access 2000) #860002

      Did you ever get your code to work? I’m trying to upload a file to a remote FTP site and I have tried using this code, but get an error message that ActiveX Component Can’t Create Object. Would you be willing to share your code with me (that is if you got it to work)? The following is the code I’m trying to use.

      Public Function Uploadtest()
      Dim FTP As Inet
      Set FTP = New Inet
      With FTP
      .Protocol = icFTP
      .RemoteHost = “???.??.??.???”
      .UserName = “kropf”
      .Password = “#####”
      .Execute .url, “Send C:kropf.txt”
      Do While .StillExecuting
      Uploadtest = (.ResponseCode = 0)
      End With
      Set FTP = Nothing
      End Function

      When I click on debug it highlights the line “Set FTP = New Inet”

      Any help you give would be appreciated.


      Gary Becker
      Kropf Lumber, Inc.

    • in reply to: FTP via ActiveX (or other) from Access (Access 2000) #860003

      Did you ever get your code to work? I’m trying to upload a file to a remote FTP site and I have tried using this code, but get an error message that ActiveX Component Can’t Create Object. Would you be willing to share your code with me (that is if you got it to work)? The following is the code I’m trying to use.

      Public Function Uploadtest()
      Dim FTP As Inet
      Set FTP = New Inet
      With FTP
      .Protocol = icFTP
      .RemoteHost = “???.??.??.???”
      .UserName = “kropf”
      .Password = “#####”
      .Execute .url, “Send C:kropf.txt”
      Do While .StillExecuting
      Uploadtest = (.ResponseCode = 0)
      End With
      Set FTP = Nothing
      End Function

      When I click on debug it highlights the line “Set FTP = New Inet”

      Any help you give would be appreciated.


      Gary Becker
      Kropf Lumber, Inc.

    • in reply to: save file to ftp site (A2000 SR-1) #859891

      Thanks Hans for those threads–I did find some code I think I can use (code as follows).

      Public Function Uploadtest()
      Dim FTP As Inet
      Set FTP = New Inet
      With FTP
      .Protocol = icFTP
      .RemoteHost = “???.??.??.???”
      .UserName = “kropf”
      .Password = “#####”
      .Execute .url, “Send C:kropf.txt”
      Do While .StillExecuting
      Uploadtest = (.ResponseCode = 0)
      End With
      Set FTP = Nothing
      End Function

      The MSINET.OCX wasn’t on my system, but I downloaded it and registered it with regsvr32. Then I could add the reference Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 6.0 (SP4). The code compiles okay now, but when I try to run it, I get this error, Runtime error 429 ActiveX component can’t create object. When I click on debug, it highlights the line, Set FTP = New Inet. What am I doing wrong?

    • in reply to: save file to ftp site (A2000 SR-1) #859892

      Thanks Hans for those threads–I did find some code I think I can use (code as follows).

      Public Function Uploadtest()
      Dim FTP As Inet
      Set FTP = New Inet
      With FTP
      .Protocol = icFTP
      .RemoteHost = “???.??.??.???”
      .UserName = “kropf”
      .Password = “#####”
      .Execute .url, “Send C:kropf.txt”
      Do While .StillExecuting
      Uploadtest = (.ResponseCode = 0)
      End With
      Set FTP = Nothing
      End Function

      The MSINET.OCX wasn’t on my system, but I downloaded it and registered it with regsvr32. Then I could add the reference Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 6.0 (SP4). The code compiles okay now, but when I try to run it, I get this error, Runtime error 429 ActiveX component can’t create object. When I click on debug, it highlights the line, Set FTP = New Inet. What am I doing wrong?

    • in reply to: line number in a query (A2000 SR-1) #857580

      No, they are not sorted. They are order detail lines that I want to import into another program via a text file, but they need to be numbered. I’m thinking of some kind of function where you would say something like, LineNumber = LineNumber + 1 and it just keeps growing.

    • in reply to: line number in a query (A2000 SR-1) #857581

      No, they are not sorted. They are order detail lines that I want to import into another program via a text file, but they need to be numbered. I’m thinking of some kind of function where you would say something like, LineNumber = LineNumber + 1 and it just keeps growing.

    • in reply to: line number in a query (A2000 SR-1) #857552

      Thanks, Hans, but I need to export a comma delimited file that has to have line numbers on it.

    • in reply to: line number in a query (A2000 SR-1) #857553

      Thanks, Hans, but I need to export a comma delimited file that has to have line numbers on it.

    • in reply to: fields in crosstab query (A2000 SR-1) #808947

      The form frmSalesTaxItems has two text boxes on it for the beginning and ending dates; their control source is a table. At your suggestion, I tried the Between [Beginning date] And [Ending Date] but I get the same type of error message. If there is no other work around, I’ve thought about having the first query make a temporary table, then basing the crosstab off of a table instead of a query. Then deleting the table.

    • in reply to: fields in crosstab query (A2000 SR-1) #808937

      I don’t believe I can do that–I don’t have any date fields in the cross tab query. The first query is summarizing sales data between two dates by taxed and non-taxed sales in each sales tax jursdiction. So it is supplying the crosstab query with totals for the correct dates.

    • in reply to: fields in crosstab query (A2000 SR-1) #808938

      I don’t believe I can do that–I don’t have any date fields in the cross tab query. The first query is summarizing sales data between two dates by taxed and non-taxed sales in each sales tax jursdiction. So it is supplying the crosstab query with totals for the correct dates.

    • in reply to: run-time error 3349 (A2000 SR-1) #733714

      Thanks for the help Hans, I did what you suggested–tried importing portions of it at a time. I found the problem–This order detail lines and a couple of lines on an order had the character ~ that I use as a field delimiter, so it was shoving all the data in those records on record too far to the right which tried to put numerical data into text fields. What a mess. It’s been a long day. Thanks again!!

    • in reply to: run-time error 3349 (A2000 SR-1) #733715

      Thanks for the help Hans, I did what you suggested–tried importing portions of it at a time. I found the problem–This order detail lines and a couple of lines on an order had the character ~ that I use as a field delimiter, so it was shoving all the data in those records on record too far to the right which tried to put numerical data into text fields. What a mess. It’s been a long day. Thanks again!!

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)