Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody Loungeri am also seeing this on my Windows 10 Pro 20H2 Toshiba Satellite computer. I have not asked it to download and install.
Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody LoungerSystem Restore has always been turned of by default with a version upgrade. You can count on it being off afterward every time.
I am shocked that it is turned off by default! Why is this done? My sincere thanks for your reply.
Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody LoungerVLC Security Vulnerability Update
25 July 2019
https://www.tweakguides.com/VideoLAN, developer of the VLC media player, has responded to the earlier disclosure of an alleged critical security vulnerability in the current version of their player: they state that VLC is not vulnerable; the exploit was fixed as of VLC 3.0.3. Furthermore, they’re angry that security firms and tech outlets repeated these false claims without asking them first….
Update: As a small gesture to help VideoLAN overcome the stigma of this recent security mix-up, I’ve decided to do a one-page VLC Tweak Guide this weekend. VLC has been my player of choice for watching movies on my PC for several years, but this year I made it my all-round PC media player. So I figure a guide that provides brief, clear details on how to customize VLC’s key features and appearance to suit your needs may persuade some people to give VLC another try.
EDIT Please respect sites’ copyright, as required in our Lounge Rules
Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody LoungerDecember 4, 2018 at 6:46 pm in reply to: Fred Langa: A reader asks, “Why won’t my laptop charge when it’s running?” #238265Thank for your reply My Toshiba’s model number is PSPMHA-0EE045. My next door neighbour’s Lenovo, bought last year, also has an inbuilt battery. A quick check of my local computer store revealed that some HP, ACER, ASUS laptop computers also have inbuilt batteries. What about Microsoft Surface Pro laptops?
Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody LoungerDecember 3, 2018 at 8:20 pm in reply to: Fred Langa: A reader asks, “Why won’t my laptop charge when it’s running?” #238012A great article from Fred! However, many newer laptops have inbuilt batteries like the Toshiba I am using to write this posting. It is not easy to remove an inbuilt battery from some laptops.
Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody LoungerFrom http://www.tweakguides.com/
Site Update
15 November 2018
My position on Windows 10, elaborated here, has deteriorated to the point where I simply cannot trust my OS to maintain the integrity of my system. Microsoft has made it abundantly clear that they either cannot, or will not, listen to users and change their sloppy and deceptive ways. I’m planning on building a new system in early 2019, so I will take that opportunity to transition to Linux as my primary desktop OS. If I’m successful, I will try to compile a simple guide so that it may help others who are tired of Microsoft’s continued incompetence to more easily do the same thingEdit to remove HTML
3 users thanked author for this post.
Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody LoungerBrilliantly written Susan. Well done! Best wishes again from Australia.
1 user thanked author for this post.
Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody LoungerJuly 31, 2018 at 4:35 pm in reply to: An open letter to Microsoft management re: Windows updating #207699Brilliantly written Susan, I hope urgent action takes place, Best wishes from Australia.
Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody LoungerApril 21, 2018 at 9:30 pm in reply to: Patch Lady – finally got an HP Envy 8 Note 5000 upgraded #186341I am now wondering if selling products such as this here in Australia violates Australian consumer law if it can’t easily be easily upgraded to the latest” feature” version within a reasonable time of purchase. It is currently running 1703. The laptop is a Lenovo ideapad 100s-14ibr laptop with only 32 GB of storage space bought by a migrant Indian student. It is worth me making an inquiry.
Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody LoungerApril 20, 2018 at 8:06 pm in reply to: Patch Lady – finally got an HP Envy 8 Note 5000 upgraded #186200My sincere and grateful thanks for your posts, Susan. I am having the same trouble here in “upgrading” a 32 GB Lenovo ideapad 100 series to 1709. It belongs to a migrant student from India. (it was purchased here in Australia in 2017.) My question is will we have to go through the same drama to upgrade from 1709 to 1803, assuming I can get 1709 to install? The answer is probably yes! Best wishes and thanks again.
Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody LoungerMarch 20, 2018 at 8:41 pm in reply to: Puh-leeeeze: Microsoft says it’s listening to us and will reduce version upgrades to 30 minutes #177308Hi all
On a well maintained Toshiba 64 bit Windows 10 Pro 1703 computer with a reliability score of 10 for many days, it took me 10 hours over 2 days to install the 1709 so-called “feature” update. My only AV is Windows Defender. I had delayed the update for 30 days using CBB. There were at least 4 attempts to download and install before success was obtained. To say the least I am not impressed!
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Great Lake Bunyip
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 11, 2018 at 6:23 pm in reply to: New version 3.0 of plays-anything-anywhere app VLC #166684I had trouble with the installation of this on a Windows 10 Home version 1709 64 bit computer. A critical error appeared in reliability monitor which was later traced to the nVidia container program. Upgrading GeForce Experience caused another nVidia container error. So did uninstalling VLC Media Player 3.0. I suggest waiting until version 3.1 appears. My system reports no errors using sfc /scannow and DISM checkhealth. Best wishes.