• Eldon Neustaeter

    Eldon Neustaeter


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    • in reply to: Configuring RAID 1 for Opal #2555709

      I have not used RAID in a residential or small business setting in quite some time.

      a) I found UNRAID (and freeNAS style options)

      b) I changed my “definition” of a backup.

      the second was the more important decision. Backups should include ‘compression’ and ‘encryption’ as part of any routine.

      The reason for this was simple.  a non-profit I volunteer with had significant “fear” off dataloss. They make so many of copy/paste style “backups”, some on the same volume with. almost exact filenames, others on USB sticks. When we eventually DID have an equipment failure. Trying to determine the most “recent” version of random copy/paste ‘backups’ became a whole thing.

      ‘backups’ cannot be ‘usable’ alternatives; they must be encrypted so as not to be usable to good guys or bad guys. I added compression as a logical option to reduce the size of offload/transfer.

      RAID is for resiliance ; not at all for backups.  the word backup should not be in the same paragraph as RAID (IMHO).


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    • in reply to: How to fix File Explorer folder views in Windows 10 and 11 #2532337

      No one really likes Windows 11

      As someone who has been an IT pro for over 30 years, I disagree.  As these eyes age, the Windows 11 font change is worth the price of admission alone. Yes, there are annoyances. The copy/paste icons in file explorer drive be bananas but, on the whole, I embrace Windows 11.

      I truly wish more article authors could guide us through changes with deft and wift and without amplifying the echo chamber of discontent that we already get from end users.

      Not sure why that 1 line bothered me so much… but it did.

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    • in reply to: Dymo declines #2516598

      I also have a 550, sitting in the original box, mine for over a year. Exact same level of frustation but exacerbated by the fact that I am an Apple user, my wife is a Windows user, and we BOTH struggle to use it.

      Very well articulated and well researched article.

      IMHO, the world of “print” in general needs to be wholly re-invented.

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