• Captain Al

    Captain Al


    Viewing 4 replies - 31 through 34 (of 34 total)
    • in reply to: Avery Dennison Design Pro 5 label software #2485116

      Captain Al,  I got the link and downloaded it. The next few days are going to be pretty busy. When I get Design Pro up and running I will let you  know how it worked out. Thanks again for your help.  CT47

      You’re welcome! It’s my pleasure to be able to help.

    • in reply to: Avery Dennison Design Pro 5 label software #2484730


      Yup.  In the to box type in ct47 and wait for it to resolve.  I’m not sure the site will allow you to save the software up there but could you swap a link on a shared site or swap email addresses?

      Thank you Susan.

      (By way of information, I did send a private message, but then when I tried to include the software along with it in zip format, I received an error indicating that it was too large a file … so we’ll have to do it another way as soon ct47 messages me back.)

    • in reply to: Avery Dennison Design Pro 5 label software #2484578

      Design Pro 5 was freeware from Avery Dennison about 10 years ago. It was for a simple but good label making software.I still use it. When I went to install the freeware on a new computer ( Win 10  ) app and browser control detected “pua:win32/asktoolbar”. I deleted the maleware but found out this program is no longer available from Avery. The bad dpsetup.exe file was the only one I had. Since it was freeware I was wondering if someone had a set up file from an old copy of this program I could get  a copy of or a safe source from the internet. I have searched for and found several sites that offer a download of the file but I do not think they are safe.  Thanks,  CT47

      I have and use Avery Design Pro 4.0 which I’d be glad to share.  How would we do this?

      Is there private messaging on this forum? (i.e. what’s next?)

    • in reply to: Verizon Cell hotspot device? #2447862

      Can anyone here provide any further info?

      I have a similar device from T-Mobile and it is called a “4G LTE CellSpot Signal Booster”.  It does provide good signals in our apartment.

      FWIW, two items required more than me just “hooking it up”.

      One was that its GPS antenna could not locate itself within our apartment, so I had to contact T-Mobile and ‘manually’ provide the booster’s location (address) for 911 purposes.

      The other is that its operating manual tells me I should turn “WiFi Calling” OFF in my phone in order for the booster to provide maximum performance.

      (Of course your mileage may vary.)



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