AskWoody LoungerI believe this may hold what youre looking for, networking MacOS to Windoze and vice versa is, in my experirience, some what easier and some what harder if your used to Windoze networking. While apparently you can set the networked Volumes to “automount” on Boot, I tend not to.
Only issue is with MacOS Monterey and previous if file shaing does not work, then merely undo all the changes in network settings and “redo” them and lo and behold it should work. Hope that works for you, for individual file\folder sharing after you have networking setup you can set up individual file\folder sharing on MacOS simply by right clicking and selecting “share file” box and of course same by selecting “share” on Windoze as well if you dont want to share a full user account or “Root” definately a preferred option security wise. -
AskWoody LoungerYeah I ran the Orig. Keypass for a few years it was totally rock solid, but I moved on to KeypassXC. Its more user intuittive, can import the Keypass database, cross platform (which I need) MacOS (intel and Apple Silicon), Android, and the inevitable Windoze. All gloriously free. You can install “Autofill” for all the regular Browsers, I hesitate to use that funcion as quite often you need to leave the application open in the background, to auto fill. As I am quite often sidetracked while working its not good for security.
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AskWoody LoungerJuly 27, 2024 at 7:42 pm in reply to: Want to watch the Olympic coverage from other countries? #2690935Thx for confirming that, I have spent near enough 30 years, when a conversational subject moves on to TV, explaining, to incredulous listeners, that indeed you do need a licece to watch TV in the UK. Curiously just had 3 months over there, glad to see, is it called “Freeview?” Has way more channels than when I last lived over there, It was only Beeb 1,2, ITV, & C4 seem to remember having Sky on satellite, and thier news and stuff was pretty good back then, hence I still grab the news from them.
Seems unbelievable now. Now we just have “Robbin Rogers” the cable company these days
AskWoody LoungerJuly 27, 2024 at 12:25 am in reply to: Want to watch the Olympic coverage from other countries? #2690769I find Tor Browser very good for watching foreign content, alas not for the BBC which seems to be at “war” with any one wanting to watch UK content abroad. The UK has a quaint system called a TV Licence to watch and strangely stream UK content in the UK, not sure how it works now, but, many years ago, they used to have vans racing round the streets tracking down unlicenced viewing. There’s probably folks round here who could bring me up to date as its been nearly 30 years since I actually lived there.
Sky content from the UK is availble through TOR, the web adress evades me as I am on the road right now but theres a web page that streams BBC content, it has to be refreshed every hour.
I do believe as VPN’s tend to use an exit node in the UK the long term reliability isnt that good, for example if the exit node is (its a for example I know its a local network number) and maybe it connects to the “Beeb” once or twice a year then instantly theres a few hundred thousand connections, it sort of gives the game away i.e. more than an average “block of flats.”
Your safe Susan I am sure its only in the confines of the UK or costal limits of 12 miles, were you could well find your self in “the magistrates.”
If you configure your TORRC in notepad like this:
# This file was generated by Tor; if you edit it, comments will not be preserved
# The old torrc file was renamed to torrc.orig.1, and Tor will ignore itClientOnionAuthDir C:\Users\Bob\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor\onion-auth
DataDirectory C:\Users\Bob\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor
GeoIPFile C:\Users\Bob\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor\geoip
GeoIPv6File C:\Users\Bob\Tor Browser\Browser\TorBrowser\Data\Tor\geoip6
EntryNodes {ca} StrictNodes 1
ExitNodes {gb} StrictNodesEntry node {ca} set to Canada, Exit node set to {gb} obviously in the US you would set {us} where you want to enter or exit. You can find a list of country codes here, and of course you want to appear elsewhere then you set your entry mode accordingly, although the signal\network connection will have to traverse the net to find the entry point ergo slower. Might not be the best and its really what the network wasnt exactly set up for streaming, but you can watch quite a bit of UK. C4, ITV 1-3 content that doesent make it on to BBC world and all gloriously free. 🙂
AskWoody LoungerYou could always try this, right click on the litttle cloud in your task bar, well its on mine on the right hand side go to options, and make sure its setup like this.
If not you can always uninstall and reinstall One Drive here.
AskWoody LoungerJuly 19, 2024 at 10:12 pm in reply to: Crowdstrike agent got updated and may be triggering bsods #2689022IT Outage? what outage? MacOS Monterey here, Might just let my Bootcamp Windows 10 here “Windoze” until the crisis blows over, never a better time to use the sage advice in Askwoody.
AskWoody LoungerI normally use AdBlocker for Youtube in conjunction with Proxtube and good old uBlock origin (all currently firefox apps) and I have never been bothered with youtube’s current anti – Ad blocker antics as Martain Brinkmans ghacks website often reports on.
You could also use Youtube downloaders if its really bugging you, yt-dlp currently availble through Homebrew package manager on Mac, various youtube downloaders on github (a little buggy but getting better). Although it is a bit unfair on content creators as they wont get any revenue from thier creations, which I suppose is the business model behind Youtube. I did try watching Youtube the other Month for a spell witout adblockers and it is truely horrendous to the point any enjoyment gets taken out of the the content by being persistantly bugged. by Ads.
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AskWoody LoungerMy chief gripe is that the new Outlook has advertising thrown in, “the Softies” don’t even try to hide it on the setup screen that’s greyed in the background.
When asked for input why I did’t wish the new version, I am afraid I am rather, shall we say acerbic, as to where the new Outlook and bundled advertising should be placed.
I am afraid that “Microsnooze” Mail and Calendar is another candidate, in the near future for “O&O” removal, completely;
Pity really, it worked fine for years in the background with out leaving Office Outlook running in the background, ahh well “c’est la vie.”
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AskWoody LoungerKeepassXC is my favourite, its open source, regularly maintained, creates a Cross platform encrypted Database and it even suggests passwords of what ever complexity that you choose. I assume its good on Linux but it works well on MacOS, Windoze 10 & 11 and Android. I would imagine it’ll work in iOS and best of all the Program is gloriously free including updates you can find it in Github or the Home Page.
AskWoody LoungerI seem to remember a long time ago, prior to Windows when I used to use Carbon paper to keep track of the, shall we say, “economies with the truth” in resumes.
Now of course its all electronic, just don’t “attach” the unexpurgated version, let”s just say it may be detrimental to longevity of Employment. Now it can be told lol 😉
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AskWoody LoungerAugust 23, 2023 at 2:49 am in reply to: Linux : The first conformant M1, M2 Apple Silicon GPU driver #2582981Wonder when they will get round to an Apple Silicon Bootcamp install package? I know a forlorn hope, but it would make Apple a premier product again. Stranger things have happened from Cuppertino 😉
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AskWoody LoungerIts quite do-able with a paltry outlay and actually has an Ethernet port, if memory serves me right, its Metal Graphics and thus will certainly run Ventura supported with OCLP alas the “Juries still out” on running OS Sonoma with development ongoing by the OCLP developers. As well as win7? Certainly 8.1, Win 10 probably and Win11 with a bit of tweaking. If you want a “Cheap and Cheerful runabout” until the end of the Apple Intel era you can’t do much better. Local small Ads will often reveal better bargains than Ebay but do your reading before purchase as they are now all over 10 years old and some may have had hard lives, its a laptop after all; Despite treating all my mobile Computing machines with all due deference, the road life is a hard life.
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AskWoody LoungerMy main Accounts generally don’t get spam as I am generally judicious about who I distribute my Email Address’s to, not compared my old ISP Account many years ago that was actually deluged. It was literally every login I was setting another Email Rule or simply blocking sender.
However I find Websites that require you to register to receive content that look potentially “Spammy” (is that a real word?) get directed towards a Google Account. Rarely these days do Google get praise, but the amount of spam is minimal with gmail.com and when it comes, it occurs in episodes for about a week then stops. For some reason my Google address is always CC’ed to some one with a similar name on aol.com, to be honest I thought Aol was consigned to the mists of time and internet History.
So whatever your doing, Job well done, Google keep it up even though I still can’t bring myself to install the “data slurping” Chrome or leave my browsers logged in permanently to a Google account.
AskWoody LoungerSorry about that maybe I should have been clearer but if your planning on running Windows Apps Office, One Drive, Edge Browser it inserts a little utility, which by coincidence yesterday and today is bugging me you can either remove it or prevent it from working automatically see screen shot.
A for running on an M2 I am not sure, not really planning on upgrading as of now I would imagine it would be similar, its not really a major hassle to deal with, certainly not as tricky as Windows update on a normal windows machine, just an annoying pest like the last two days as it may well be heading to the Bin soon after this, until next month’s round of updates lol
AskWoody LoungerJuly 26, 2023 at 1:55 am in reply to: macOS Ventura 13.5, macOS Monterey 12.6.8, macOS Big Sur 11.7.9 #2575828According to Mr. Macintosh quite a few Non metal Macs i.e. before 2012 running Ventura 13,5 with OCLP are having Display problems (hopefully fixed in later OCLP releases) in the youtube Clip theres also interesting “roll back” measures with the Terminal really quite interesting, as I wasnt aware of and good to know in case of future calamity.
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