• aaron451



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    • in reply to: Gave Up on SSD #1583908

      I ran the Crucial diags on it when it first failed and it was okay. I quick formatted it like you’re supposed to and then cloned my hard drive to the SSD w/o issue. What I did see however was the recovery partition on the SSD was huge. On my 1 TB drive it’s the standard 450MB. On the SSD 40% of the 512MB drive was recovery partition…like 180GB, yeah GB not MB. The conclusion that the drive may be ill, might be correct. On the bottom of the EaseToDo back up there’s the note that Win10 AU requires sector by sector backup. I didn’t allow the update installation because I never did install AU. I don’t know why the huge recovery partition. Space was not an issue on the SSD even with the humongous recovery partition because I’ve only got 134GB of stuff on my hard drive, so why did the cloning process create that huge of recovery partition…..Anyhow, with all the issues and the painful morning, I’m back up and running with my trusty, dusty WD Black and I’ve mothballed the Crucial SSD.


      You did not mention HOW you cloned the drive. It’s important to make sure the clone software is SSD aware an re-aligns partitions to the proper sector size for the SSD. If you have sectors across multiple SSD blocks you are writing many extra blocks and will use up life on the SSD.
      I used Casper to move a RAID0 set to a single SSD and got a 4X speed improvement.

    • in reply to: What AV are Windows 10 folks using? #1576258

      I use McAfee mostly. I have a “whole house” license covers computers/tablets/phones. The real nice one is Peerblock. Blocks IP addresses and has a subscription to many lists you can choose from. Been using it for years – even paid for it and the list subscription.

    • in reply to: Replacing hard drive #1537078

      I found a great cloning program called Casper. I now make a complete clone once a month along with my daily backups. I used it to convert a RAID0 machine to a single SSD without issues.

    • One thing I learned a hard lessen about with an old Verizon Westell changing to bridged mode and letting my TL-Link router take over is to MAKE SURE you “release” your dynamic IP address BEFORE converting to bridged mode. Otherwise you have to wait for the lease timeout of your modem (can be several hours).

      All the hours I spent researching on-line before doing it didn’t include this one simple step and it caused hours of grief.

    • Andrew, I’m creating the cross-references.

    • Thanks for taking the time to verify my findings. I can’t believe no one has run into this in the past and can’t find anything from Microsoft or searching the web on this limitation. Guess I’ll have to throw this at MS.

      Do you know of a different method to get all the headings?

    • Thanks for the reply. I’m using a loop to look up the index number in order to insert a heading cross reference based on a string (lstring). This is just a portion of a macro to replace [xref:XXXX] with the proper xref from DOORS database.

      I noticed in debug mode that MyHeadings array truncated some of the longer heading strings. Here’s an example MyHeading(1) that I modified to find out the limitation (original is “Purpose and Scope56789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890″). Note the string truncates @ 96 characters.

      MyHeading(1) = ” 1.1 Purpose and Scope567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456″

      MyHeadings = ActiveDocument.GetCrossReferenceItems(wdRefTypeHeading)
      For i = 1 To UBound(MyHeadings)
      A = Trim(LCase$(MyHeadings(i)))
      B = Left(LCase$(lstring), Len(A))
      If InStr(A, B) Then
      Exit For
      End If
      Next i
      If i > UBound(MyHeadings) Then
      MsgBox “There is an error searching for headings match: ” & lstring & vbLf, vbInformation
      End If

      ‘ insert heading number xref
      Selection.InsertCrossReference _
      ReferenceType:=wdRefTypeHeading, _
      ReferenceKind:=wdNumberFullContext, _
      ReferenceItem:=i, _

      ‘ insert heading text xref
      Selection.TypeText (” “) ‘space first
      Selection.InsertCrossReference _
      ReferenceType:=wdRefTypeHeading, _
      ReferenceKind:=wdContentText, _
      ReferenceItem:=i, _

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