• xp call home (xppro sp1)

    • This topic has 8 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 22 years ago.

    XP wants to call home all the time should I go ahead and send these error reports to MS? Would they respond at all?

    XP is so stable it only crashes on an average of two times a day. And rarely gives me the same message. I finally got the same message more than one time. Two of the other errors have been a Kernal and a PageFault. Some of them don’t even give that much info.

    IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (gotten this 4 different times this week below are the Stop messages for each time)

    STOP: OX0000000A (OX18EOS7E, OX00000002, OX00000000, OX804ED4E3)
    STOP: OX000000D1 (OX00000008, OX00000002, OX00000001, OXEEF78399)
    STOP: OX0000000A (OX3BD00004, OX00000002, OX00000000, OX804EC7F8)
    STOP: OX0000000A (OX010C8883, OX00000002, OX00000000, OX804EC7B4)

    I have cleaned out most of the freebies I had downloaded. I even closed ZA, AVG, PestPatrol, etc so that they are not even sitting in the systray(interestingly it has never happened while I am on line). The only thing I am running is OfficePro97 (Excel and Access).

    Any suggestions? This is getting really aggravating.

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    • #665161

      IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL is typically caused by a Device Driver or a Hardware fault.

      Some things you might want to try are…
      Disabling any unsigned device drivers (if you can run without them)
      Swapping your RAM (if you have any spare) or leaving out 1/2 at a time (if you have 2 sticks of RAM)


    • #665244

      XP wants to call home all the time should I go ahead and send these error reports to MS? Yes, if you do NOT, they (MS) will not know about the problem. If they do NOT know, they can not see about getting it fixed.

      Would they respond at all? No

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

      • #665278

        I have found that I sometimes get an automated reply with a pointer to a web page with the patch I need. Well worth submitting unless you are paranoid about privacy.


    • #665307

      XP is so stable it only crashes on an average of two times a day.

      Wow! Are you sure you are running XP, not WinME? Seriously, I have to think hard to remember any time XP crashed on me. I think StuartR’s post is a good one. A device driver is either corrupt or not compatible, it seems to me. Process of elimination is the way to go. Strip the system down to minimum and see if you can add one thing at a time, till you start to see the crashes occur. Good Luck. crossfingers


    • #665432

      The IRQ_NOT_LESS … error usaually idnidcates a driver problem. Check to make sure you have the most current XP drivers for all your hardware – particularly graphics cards. Not sure about the others. Will investigate soon.



      • #665694

        Thanks for all the responses. I think (which is dangerous) that the main problem might have been something to do with my UPS although the battery was testing OK. I found an entry in the “adminstrative tools|event viewer” that coincided time wise with the failures and it said UPS. So I reloaded that and so far no crashes. But I have also stripped out everything except OFFPro.

        Guess I will let XP call home in the future.

        • #665795

          Now start adding your apps back, one at a time, to see if it returns. Live dangerously, at least it should tell you which one is the cause. Good Luck.


    • #665759

      I was getting the IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL crash in Win 2K until I downloaded and installed the updated drivers for my USB attached H/P printers. Haven’t had one since then.

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