• XBRL / XML viewer / reader


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    • #1112025

      Subject edited by HansV to correct XBLR to XBRL

      I downloaded an XBLR file (see attached), which I’ve just read is an extension of XML.

      If I open it with notepad it’s unintelligible. Is there a visor/reader for these file types?

      Thank you.

      • #1112033

        When I download it & unzip it, it opens just fine in Notepad.



        • #1112048

          Thank you Bob and Joe.

          I think I wasn’t clear enough. I can open the document in notepad, but I don’t understand the tagged content. I thought that just as an HTML file can be interpreted by a proper client, an XML document could be displayed in a nice format with the correct program.

          If you go to; then select “Banca” in the “Filtro del Sector” combobox; click on the “Banco Galicia” item in the listbox below; select “2007 2do. semestre”; and finally select “Información financiera completa en fichero XLBR”, you’ll get the file I attached. As you see, this is meant to make financial information available to the public, so I thought it would be in a format easier to handle.

          A friend has just told me that XML is aimed at exchanging information in a way such that anyone can show or manipulate it as desired and that he doubts there’s the “viewer” I want. I have a faint hope he’s wrong…

          • #1112062

            A Google search for xbrl viewer returns many results, for example XBRL Enabled Dragon Tag Software at RivetSoftware.com. I have no experience with any of these, so you’ll have to experiment.

          • #1112065

            Hi there

            eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is just a mark up language which has a very strict structure that makes it ideal for the transfer of data between databases and across the internet. Just like HyperText Markup Language (HTML) you have to use specific code to “transform” the data in the structure to be viewed correctly.

            HTML uses style tags whereas eXtensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML, a cross bewteen HTML and XML) holds them in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

            When trying to transform XML there are various methods to transform it and they include XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) The original XML document is not changed; rather, a new document is created based on the content of the XML file.

            You currently just have an XML file and therefore the data is viewed in its raw form

      • #1112084

        Don’t know if it’s relevant, but I found this ‘ere free one:
        FREE XML Schema Editor – Graphical XML and XSD Editor, with Validator


        • #1112146

          Hello again,

          Jerry, your explanation was very clear. I went back to the website to search whether there was a model XSLT or XSD file applicable to these XBLRs available for download. Unfortunately I couldn’t find one.

          Hans and Alan, I appreciate your input. I tried both applications but couldn’t work things out as yet.

          I’ve spent a fair amount of time investigating since I last posted and come up with this site and this Yahoo! Group. I’ll be posting back when I have some good news to share.

          Thank you all very much.

          • #1112156

            Dear all,

            I finally found the correct taxonomy file: http://www.xbrl.es/informacion/ipp.html%5B/url%5D. I’m far from being sure of what exactly I’m doing, but I’ll have time to investigate in the future. What matters is that I can now visualize the XML file. I’m using Dragon View from Hans’ post.

            Once again, thank you all very much for bearing with me.

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