Hey Y’all,
I thought I’d start a list of programs that I’ve found work in Win 8 Pro and y’all can add your finds in replies. That way we’ll have a single place to look for this information.
Here’s My List so far:
Office 2003 Pro (Outlook wouldn’t send mail until I applies SP-1 through SP-3)
Microsoft Money 2006 ( I still use it and it still works just fine thank you )
Nitro Reader 3 ( my preferred PDF reader )
7Zip ( file compression/decompression)
HideDrive ( Hide my Win 7 HP boot drive when in Win 8 Pro and visa versa ) *** Killed This See Post Below ***
PrimoPDF ( my preferred PDF printer )
I’ll post more as I get to them…y’all do the same. :cheers: