Hi Everyone… On a completely different topic than my last post… I’m currently starting work on an application where I’m dealing with a main data table imported from a text file that is 178MB’s (a fixed width report) … I got it down to 90MB’s by rewriting the file as delimited and removing headings and summaries… and I finally got it to import into Access… However running queries on the data, trying to join with other tables, etc… just takes FOREVER… or bombs out completely… lol…
Generally I work with about 200,000 to 400,000 records at a time… This sucker is over 1,200,000 records…. Does anyone have any advice on how to work with this amount of data?… Should I be using SQL Server or a more powerful DBMS for this?… Or are there tricks to dealing with this in Access itself?
Thanks in advance (again)!