• Word97 Customise using MenuWork


    In Word 97, under Customise/Commands/All Commands is an item ‘MenuWork’. Drag this to the toolbar, and you get an extremely useful Work Menu that allows you to build a list of commonly used documents that can be opened very easily. Unfortunately, the only action appears to be ‘Add’. I can’t find any way of removing a document once it’s in the list! I’ve searched all over, even in the registry, but to no avail. I even uninstalled and reinstalled Word, but although I had to put the Work Menu back on the toolbar, as soon as I did, the list was just as I left it! Has anyone any idea where Word keeps the list, and how it can be edited? I’m going crazy as I want to remove some entries that were useful once but not now.

    Viewing 2 reply threads
    • #510449

      Hi Keith:
      Press Alt+Ctrl+- (that’s a minus sign, above the P). The cursor will change to a thick minus. You can now click on any menu & remove a menu item. Repeat for each item.

      Hope this helps.

      • #510463

        Brilliant! It works a treat! And to think of all the months I’ve had to put up with this! Thanks, Phil!

        • #510581

          One other thing I learned about the work menu is that the maximum number of files is 9. If you add anything after that, the oldest just drops off.

          • #512272

            Thank you for passing this on. I just added it to my webpage on the Work menu.

    • #510445

      Deleted – solution offered does not work.

    • #511790

      See http://www.addbalance.com/word/workmenu.htm%5B/url%5D for an explanation of how to use the Work menu.

      • #512211

        Thanks Charles, that’s a very useful idea and I’ve used the suggestion about putting the command in the menu itself. I agree, it’s a very useful menu, sadly under- if not completely un-documented, and should be promoted more. There’s a similar one in Excel, which is a little harder to use (you need to set up the open in a macro), but ultimately more flexible.

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