• Word Use Fills c drive (Word 97 on Windows 98)

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    Running Word on Win98 and after using the program for 10 minutes I receive a message that the disk is full. Word seems to be saving information as I use it but autosave is deselected. If I close Word and reopen it the disk has plenty of room. Only happens with Word, not Excel or PowerPoint. If a save and close before 10 minutes I don’t get the message. More than 10 minutes tends to create the error message. The system has two hard drive with applications on the C drive and data stored on the other drive. Space is not a factor until I open and use Word

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    • #548448

      You stated “Space is not a factor until I open and use Word “, how much empty space on how large of a drive (partition) do you have ?

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

      • #548461

        The c drive is 3.2 gb and has 1.6 gb available space before I start using Word or other apps.

        • #548497

          That message sometimes occurs when you try to save a document that contains a corrupted equation object. It may well signify other unusual conditions, but it seems certain that the problem isn’t a full disk!

        • #548506

          Another cause for this error message can be having an excessively large number of styles in a document, according to MS KB article 168805.

          When you add a large number of styles to a document (or to several documents), the Word temporary scratch file, ~Wrs0001.tmp may become extremely large. Closing the original document has no effect on the scratch file.

          These error messages may occur if the ~Wrs0001.tmp file becomes too large, causing your computer to run out of disk space.

          [/indent]The article doesn’t specify how many styles is too many, and the suggested solution is to quit and restart Word!

          First thing I do when Word starts displaying unspecified flakiness is to rename Normal.dot (“Replace your Normal.dot and call me in the morning…”) – might be worth trying.


          • #548561

            Below and attached are messages I got yesterday on the computer.

            1st message – Window pops up and states: Word has insufficient memory. Do you want to save Doc.1 as Rescued Doc? (the option is yes or no. Clicked yes. Immediately the following message popped up.

            2nd message – This was a white window: WinWord
            % caused a stack fault in module %2 at %3!.04x!:%4!.08x!

            Close was the only option, so I did.

            3rd message – a runtime error
            Program C: programsfilesAT&Twnclientprogramswnconnect.exe
            abnormal program termination

            Do any of these make sense? Carol

            • #548617


              First thing to do is to check whether there is code in any add-in or global templates running, which may be causing the problem.

              Some detailed instructions for doing this can be found in this article from the MS MVP Word website.

              Also have a look at this MS KB article which describes a problem which can be caused by an AT&T program interacting with Word.

              Hope this helps,

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