• Word closes unexpectedly (Word 2000)


    In working with a 100 page document section; when I make changes and try to save it. I get an error message that a winword.exe program error has occurred and word will be closed. The application closes and the changes are not saved. This is one section of a larger document and the only section that this happens in. I have had others try saving changes on this section on other PCs with the same result. Any ideas? Carol

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    • #573453

      It sounds like there is some corruption somewhere in that section. This kind of problem is pretty hard to troubleshoot without seeing the actual document, but there are a couple of things you can try. Even if this is a document which was newly created in Word, you could be dealing in part with a conversion problem. Has anyone copied and pasted text from any other source, such as another document, or an e-mail or a document from a web site, into this document, or was the entire document typed fresh? If there was any pasting, the pasted text could contain formatting which is causing the problem. You can try selecting all the text in the section, copying it, then doing Edit/Paste Special/Unformatted text to paste unformatted text over the original text. You should then need to reformat the text to match what you had.

      If you have tables in the section, you might try deleting the tables and retyping them. Tables can be sources of problems like this, too, particularly if they were copied from some unknown source.

      If that doesn’t do the trick, try deleting all section breaks in the document, then selecting everything but the last paragraph marker, copying and pasting into a new document. You will have to rebuild the section breaks and headers and footers, but that’s minor compared to not being able to edit this section.

      In regards to pasting text, I always tell people in my classes that it’s like dating in the 90’s. You never know where that source document has been or who it’s been with, so it’s always good to be careful when pasting. Somehow, that always seems to get the idea across. angel

      Lee Morgan

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    You can use BBCodes to format your content.
    Your account can't use all available BBCodes, they will be stripped before saving.

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