• Wirecutter “Comments are disabled”

    Home » Forums » Outside the box » The Junk Drawer » Wirecutter “Comments are disabled”

    • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago.

    Apparently this is a pretty common problem.

    Is there anyone here who uses Wirecutter or subscribes to Wirecutter who is able to access the comments that follow articles without instead getting the dreaded “Comments are disabled” message box with instructions on how to fix the problem?

    We have four Windows PCs (10 and 7), two Chromebooks, and two Android phones. The Windows PCs use Firefox, the Chromebooks and one Android phone uses Chrome, the other Android phone uses Firefox. As much as is reasonable across platforms all browsers are configured the same.

    The only place where we are able to access the Wirecutter comments is from inside the NY Times app on one of the Android phones. On all other devices and all browsers I get the comments are disabled message.

    I’ve tried clearing cache, disabling all add-ons, relaxing security restrictions in Firefox, deleting all NYT cookies, a bunch of cookie tricks I found online . . . I directly contacted Wirecutter at the links provided in the message box. I received back a canned email response with suggestions I already had tried and ending with a cheery ‘Have a nice day’.



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    • #2693611


      I don’t have a solution (unfortunately), but I do have a similar (but slightly different) issue with trying to view the comments on 9to5mac.com. I can see that comments have been posted to whatever article I’m reading, but when I click on the link to read the comments, nothing comes up under the Comments section except the Close option. I just tried reading the comments in an article on macrumors.com and was successful. I’m using the latest updated Firefox browser.


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