• Windows XP updates


    I heard that Microsoft has discontinued the support for Windows XP’s SP0 SP1 and SP2. Microsoft will support only XP SP3.

    I have a copy of OEM version of XP SP0. If I want to install the XP from the scratch on a new hard drive by using this OEM CD, will I still be able to get the updates for SP1, SP2 and SP3 from Microsoft by using the Windows Updates?

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    • #1240689

      I heard that Microsoft has discontinued the support for Windows XP’s SP0 SP1 and SP2. Microsoft will support only XP SP3.

      I have a copy of OEM version of XP SP0. If I want to install the XP from the scratch on a new hard drive by using this OEM CD, will I still be able to get the updates for SP1, SP2 and SP3 from Microsoft by using the Windows Updates?

      You might want to consider slipstreaming SP1, SP2, then SP3 into a single CD for future use. A Google search shows many sites with instructions.

      Gerald, I think I may have beaten you on this answer!

    • #1240766

      Ted means. “yes, you can apply SP3 to that installation”. He is also suggesting you create a “new” XP install CD with SP3 pre-installed – this will save some time if you need to re-install on many PCs, but for the very occasional re-load it’s as easy to have SP3 on another CD ready to load post install.

      cheers, Paul

      • #1240790

        Ted means. “yes, you can apply SP3 to that installation”. He is also suggesting you create a “new” XP install CD with SP3 pre-installed – this will save some time if you need to re-install on many PCs, but for the very occasional re-load it’s as easy to have SP3 on another CD ready to load post install.

        cheers, Paul

        Yes you can apply SP3 as that is still being supported. SP1, SP2 are not. Your original installation disk only includes SP0, not SP1 and SP2. That is why I suggested creating a bootable CD with your SP0 plus SP1 and SP2 included (Slipstream) and that including SP3 within this new installation CD would ultimately save you time in the future. Be aware that at some point in time MS will drop support for SP3 as well. They are working toward moving away from XP totally.

      • #1240798

        Ted means. “yes, you can apply SP3 to that installation”. He is also suggesting you create a “new” XP install CD with SP3 pre-installed – this will save some time if you need to re-install on many PCs, but for the very occasional re-load it’s as easy to have SP3 on another CD ready to load post install.

        cheers, Paul

        P T,

        You said “for the very occasional re-load it’s as easy to have SP3 on another CD ready to load post install”.

        After I install the first generation XP (which is also SP0) on a new hard drive, can I just install the SP3 or do I need to install the other SP’s first? Does SP3 already include SP’s 1 and 2?

        • #1240804

          P T,

          You said “for the very occasional re-load it’s as easy to have SP3 on another CD ready to load post install”.

          After I install the first generation XP (which is also SP0) on a new hard drive, can I just install the SP3 or do I need to install the other SP’s first? Does SP3 already include SP’s 1 and 2?

          See Gerald’s post above for your answer. At the bottom of the link supplied by Gerald to Paul Thurrott’s Supersite, there is a link for slipstreaming.

    • #1240796

      I heard that Microsoft has discontinued the support for Windows XP’s SP0 SP1 and SP2. Microsoft will support only XP SP3.

      I have a copy of OEM version of XP SP0. If I want to install the XP from the scratch on a new hard drive by using this OEM CD, will I still be able to get the updates for SP1, SP2 and SP3 from Microsoft by using the Windows Updates?

      Hello Dennis, check out this piece on Paul Thurrott’s SuperSite for Windows . According to Thurrott, MS requires users to have either SP1 or SP2 installed in order to install SP3. See this Microsoft article to corroborate this.

      You can go to the Windows Update site to manually download any of the service packs you need.

      Barring any new developements, MS will end support for XP SP3 on August 8, 2014. Until then, we will continue to receive security updates only. See this MS Support lifecycle paper for details.

    • #1240806


      Please drop the use of SP0, it doesn’t exist.

      As Gerald has pointed out you need Service Pack 1a or 2 installed before you can install Service Pack 3. This means there are things in SP1 that are not included in SP2 and 3.
      To make this as easy as possible I suggest you create a CD with SP1, 2 and 3 on it, and keep this CD with your original XP CD.

      cheers, Paul

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