• Windows XP rules, at Windows 7 and 8’s expense

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    XP users should be dancing one of those Seahawks cheer jigs.InfoWorld Tech Watch.
    [See the full post at: Windows XP rules, at Windows 7 and 8’s expense]

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    • #53455


      XP today, pen and pencil tomorrow!

      As for the complex ways of living, I love them not, however much I practice them. In as many places as possible, I will get my feet down to the earth. [Henry David Thoreau Journal, 22 October 1853]


    • #53456

      “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” [Anonymous]

      We still need but do not have a word for “upgrade that’s not an “up” grade.”
      I vote for “upsetgrade”.

      Windows’ track record is starting to look like Star Trek movies’ track record: half are junk.

      It doesn’t help MS that MS foolishly ignores their greatest potential assets– low transitional learning curve and software compatibility– every time in recent upgrade history. Instead, MS seems to think the public will make the mistake of thinking similar names = similarly useful…like Outlook/Outlook Express, Windows/Windows Phone, Internet Explorer/ Internet Exploder.

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