• Windows Vista


    Hi there: I fixed a friend’s laptop. It is an HP laptop; and it had so many things wrong with it I restored it back to factory condition. I went to the HP site, I did all his updates, and then I went to Microsoft.com to update his Internet Explorer 7 so I could then update him to Internet Explorer 8. I went through 97 updates with Internet Explorer 7, and when I went to upgrade to IE 8, I received an error message that said IE 8 cannot be downloaded because it didn’t have the curent updates. I’m stuck. Can anyone help.

    Also, I did not update Service Pack 1 and 2. Could that be the problem.


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    • #1262405

      It is very possible the SP1 and SP2 updates are the missing updates that IE8 was refering to. It would be a good idea to apply these updates as well.

    • #1262531

      I always install the Service Packs before doing any updates. Saves a lot of updates.

      cheers, Paul

    • #1262797

      Thanks once I updated the service packs then Internet Explorer downloaded

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