• Windows Update Advanced Settings Conundrum

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    Hey Y’all,

    I was checking things in Windows (10.0.17134 Pro) Update today and ran across this:

    The Defer Quality Updates option is grayed out.


    The same page shows that *Some settings are managed by your organization.

    Clicking the “View configured update Policies” link shows:

    However, if I view the windows update settings in the Group Policy Editor I get this:

    Computer Settings:

    User Settings:

    I see nothing configured?  Ideas?


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    • #243961

      RG, in GPE select those blocked policies to “Enabled”, and the highest level available, close GPE, then re-open it and again set them to “Not configured”.

      If that doesn’t do it, try it again with a reboot in between.

      Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
      We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
      We were all once "Average Users".

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      • #243987


        It was a good thought but no love.
        I hunted through the registry but although I found the entries they didn’t match the values in Advanced options and changing them had no effect even w/reboot.

        I thought I’d take a stab at a restore point and found this:

        You nasty Windows Update you! Do that restore back to the 26th. No love here either.

        Out comes the bi-weekly (12/21) Macrium Reflect Image.  Restore C: partition only. Ah, you can always trust MR! Things back to normal.

        Still wish I knew what exactly happened? 😎

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        • #244056

          I’m flummoxed. No idea what’s happening.

          Highly unlikely that it’s build related, but I assume you’re on build 17134.472

    • #244022

      I’m sorry that I have to laugh. We all have battles, but the worse thing is that most of them are different. There is almost a M$ AI that knows what will annoy individual users…

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    • #244092

      1809 Build 17763.195
      OK, here’s what I found in three posts:
      In Group Policy Administrative TemplatesWindows ComponentsWindows Update

      It is the settings under “Windows Update for Business” that control the option in the Settings GUI. Initially, I had both “Select how Preview Builds and Feature Updates are Received” (Semi Annual Channel with 365 days delay) and “”Select when Quality Updates are received” set to “Enabled” and values set. This resulted in the graying out of the settings in the GUI and the list of controls (See images 1,2,3 – not inserting due to size)

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    • #244101

      If I set “Select how Preview Builds and Feature Updates are Received” to “Not configured” and leave  “Select when Quality Updates are received” Enabled, I get what RG is seeing (See image 4, 5)

      If  “Select how Preview Builds and Feature Updates are Received” stays Enabled, and Select when Quality Updates are received” is set to “Not configured” I get what is in Images 6 & 7.

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    • #244107

      If both “Select how Preview Builds and Feature Updates are Received” and “Select when Quality Updates are received” are left “Not configured” (see images 8 & 9), the control is left to the Settings GUI.

      That makes sense. Group Policy overrides the Settings GUI in a managed environment.
      I did not try to see how Group Policy and the Registry interact (and who knows which one, if any, Microsoft respects), but perhaps the settings in the Registry are in different places for just plain “Windows Update” and the managed “Windows Update for Business.” If you are expecting to see the changes under Windows Update, and they are somewhere else……?

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      • #244121


        does that work for you?

        Excellent sleuthing. @PKCano, want to write it up for an AKB?

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        • #244281


          Unfortunately no.

          Friday was biweekly backup day so after that was done I got brave an armed with PJ’s research I re applied the patches and once again I was greyed out. Worried was I not! (Sorry channelling my inner Yoda). So I tried PK’s settings with no love. I also tried several other things but in the end it was back to restoring the image of the C: drive once again.

          I’m sure PK’s settings will work on most systems but I mess around with stuff so much this is most likely a my machine only problem.

          May the Forces of good computing be with you!


          PowerShell & VBA Rule!
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    • #244126

      I did not try to see how Group Policy and the Registry interact (and who knows which one, if any, Microsoft respects)

      Group policy is registry. It’s just set at machine or user login.

      cheers, Paul

      • #244129

        But you didn’t finish the sentence……

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        • #244238

          Group policy is an automated way to change registry values. Changing them manually should have the same affect – assuming Windows respects the setting.

          cheers, Paul

          • #244278

            And depending on whether you are looking in the right place for the changes…..

    • #244298

      I mess around with stuff so much this is most likely a my machine only problem.

        Sounds like me, RG.  I did some tinkerin’, and found that while logged in as a regular user, I could make Group Policy changes using “gpedit.msc (run as administrator)” and the changes would be made, but not make changes at the desired level.

      Even signing out and then signing back in made no difference.  Then I signed out my regular user account, signed in as Administrator, and the changes had been made in Windows Update.  After I signed out as Administrator, then signed back in as a regular user, the changes had stuck, and the appropriate changes were reflected in Windows Update.

      Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
      We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
      We were all once "Average Users".

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      • #244310


        I don’t use a “regular” account only an admin account. I did run gpedit as Admin when I made my changes though.

        May the Forces of good computing be with you!


        PowerShell & VBA Rule!
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    • #244307

      Hey Y’all,

      I’ve narrowed down the problem to the update that was installed on 1/4/2019. Unfortunately, I didn’t write down what update that was grrrrr!

      Here’s what is installed with things working correctly.

      Maybe someone could sus out which update is causing the problem from this?

      May the Forces of good computing be with you!


      PowerShell & VBA Rule!
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      • #244313

        KB4023057 is the Upgrade Assistant. I would uninstall that one. It encourages forced UPgrades.

    • #244316

      KB4023057 is the Upgrade Assistant. I would uninstall that one. It encourages forced UPgrades.

      Also known as the ‘anti-tweaker’, i.e. actively looks for tweaked settings (like disabled Windows Update service and disabled scheduled tasks) and force-reverts them to what MS want you to have. I agree, KB4023057 is entirely unnecessary.

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      • #244332


        Unfortunately, It doesn’t seem like MS wants me to Uninstall that update:

        Looks like I’ll have to go back another generation of images to get rid of it. Since thing seem to be working OK I may let it ride for now.

        May the Forces of good computing be with you!


        PowerShell & VBA Rule!
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        • #244336

          Look in Settings\Apps and in Control Panel\Programs and Features. I think it installs in one of those. Also a folder at C:/Windows’UpgradeAssistant (if there) can be deleted.

          • #244404


            You’re on the On-The-Nose-2-2
            Thanks! 😎

            Note: It still shows as installed in View update history! Could be confusing for some.

            May the Forces of good computing be with you!


            PowerShell & VBA Rule!
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            • #244411

              OK, history is history. It doesn’t go away. It doesn’t show they are “still installed” in history. It shows “at one time in history you installed them:. But it doesn’t know when/if you uninstall them.

              History doesn’t change. If it happened, the record is still there no matter how many times it has changed since.
              If it’s in “Installed updates” (or not), then you have the truth.
              So there, for today’s lecture on “dumb” computers that you can’t believe anyway. 🙂

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    • #244335

      Possibly helpful information concerning 4023057 from 28 Jan 2018 about checking and deleting tasks in Task Scheduler:


      May need to:Delete tasks in Task Scheduler \Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\UpdateAssistant and\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\UpdateAssistantCalendarRun

      Hope this might be helpful (?) Lars220


    • #244339

      Have a look in Control Panel > Programs and Features.

      Ghacks has a write-up about what KB4023057 does (and notes that Woody recommends to avoid it like the plague).

      Note that AFAIK this isn’t the update that installs the Windows Update Medic Service (WaasSMedicSvc) which does a similar job of trying to stop you from fiddling. I’ve just checked in Win 10 Pro 1803 (Build 17134.48) and this service is installed (but I’ve disabled it). I don’t have KB4023057 installed.

    • #244412

      Note that AFAIK this isn’t the update that installs the Windows Update Medic Service (WaasSMedicSvc) which does a similar job of trying to stop you from fiddling.


      I found a Scheduled Task for this Microsoft\Windows\WaasSMedic.
      I quote from the Description on the task:

      “Helps recover update-related services to the supported configuration.”

      Seems you might like to disable the task also as it might restart the service?

      HTH 😎

      May the Forces of good computing be with you!


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    • #244422

      RG, As PKCano has written in post 244101 it’s enabling “Select when Quality Updates are received” that causes the issue resulting in the greyed out dropdown selector (and the “Some settings are managed by your organisation” message).

      I’ve attached a .REG file (re-named to.TXT) which worked for me to remove the restriction and message: Remove-WU-policy-restriction

      In other words, I followed PKCano’s lead to reproduce the issue and used a registry monitor to see what keys were changed.  After that it was just a case of creating a .REG file to undo the effects.

      After merging the .REG file you have to restart your PC ‘cos the change is not dynamic and HKLM needs to be read afresh. Actually that’s wrong… the change IS dynamic but the Settings app isn’t smart enough to re-read HKLM by itself.

      For example, here the Group Policy Editor clearly shows the setting is ‘Not configured’ yet no amount of closing and re-opening Settings could get the ‘Policies set on your device’ to be read correctly… until I restarted.


      (As with any registry change, backup your registry first/set a restore point.)

      Hope this helps…

      • #244427

        Yeah, I was having to do a cold boot between changes while I was fooling with it.

    • #244428

      Rick, I found a Scheduled Task for this Microsoft\Windows\WaasSMedic. I quote from the Description on the task:

      “Helps recover update-related services to the supported configuration.”

      Seems you might like to disable the task also as it might restart the service? HTH

      I already have on my 1803 device but thanks for reminding me… I hadn’t done it on my 1809 test device yet. 🙂

    • #244429


      I’ll give it a spin and report back.

      May the Forces of good computing be with you!


      PowerShell & VBA Rule!
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    • #244460


      As I stated earlier I think it’s just my machine.

      1. Applied Patches
      2. Uninstalled KB4023057
      3. Merged your .reg file successfully
      4. Rebooted
      5. Delay quality updates stilled grayed out.

      Going to watch Wild Card games while I restore latest image. 😎



      May the Forces of good computing be with you!


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    • #315801

      Hey Y’all,

      Just thought I’d report back as I was directed back here by another post.

      I finally got frustrated and decided to update to 1809 and the problem is gone! At least for now LOL. Machine has been running flawlessly for over a week now. That is of course after dealing with the SMBv1 problem 😎

      May the Forces of good computing be with you!


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