• Windows Lock Screen showing ad for Chredge – even with advertising turned off

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    • This topic has 25 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago.

    Another bit of sludge from @howardagoldberg…. He’s been telling me that his Win10 Lock Screen is showing a Chredge ad. I suggested he make sure that
    [See the full post at: Windows Lock Screen showing ad for Chredge – even with advertising turned off]

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    • #2140473

      If you choose Picture for the background of the lock screen, you have the choice of allowing the display of this sort of thing:

      Flip that toggle to Off and you’ll resolve this issue.

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      • #2140483

        Looking at my 1903 Pro production machine, I don’t have that Fun Facts slider under Settings > Personalization > Background. Wonder why?

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        • #2140485

          It’s under Lock screen on my 1909 setup….

          And I don’t see the ad even though I have suggestions turned on. But then I rarely see my lock screen!

          Eliminate spare time: start programming PowerShell

          • This reply was modified 5 years ago by access-mdb. Reason: Bit more info
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        • #2140588

          My 1903 Pro Lock Screen settings has no Fun, Cortana.. settings

      • #2140505

        I also don’t have it on my Lock Screen settings:

    • #2140477

      Oops! I have some egg on my face.

      The ‘fun facts’ was toggled on. The thing is, I am pretty certain I toggled it off when set this up after upgrading this system from Win7 about 5 weeks ago.

      I will let you know if I still see the ‘ad,’ now that it’s toggled off.

      Still … I remember this being one of the first things I did after the upgrade (I actually have this system next to my native W10 system, and went through everything to mirror the settings).

      Is it possible MS turned it on? I don’t really want to go there, as perhaps I missed this when setting up the system. I just can’t believe I *didn’t* turn it off.

      Lesson learned though, I will double-check before posting.

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      • #2140479

        Keep me posted. I’ll keep the main blog entry up, though, with a caveat.

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      • #2140560

        I cannot verify this, but I think toggles are reset when Microsoft patches are applied. As a suggestion, mash your toggles often to make sure your operating system behaves as you desire, not as patches think they ought. (E.T. likes to phone home. Really.)

        On permanent hiatus {with backup and coffee}
        offline▸ Win10Pro 2004.19041.572 x64 i3-3220 RAM8GB HDD Firefox83.0b3 WindowsDefender
        offline▸ Acer TravelMate P215-52 RAM8GB Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1265 x64 i5-10210U SSD Firefox106.0 MicrosoftDefender
        online▸ Win11Pro 22H2.22621.1992 x64 i5-9400 RAM16GB HDD Firefox116.0b3 MicrosoftDefender
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        • #2140593

          I cannot verify this, but I think toggles are reset when Microsoft patches are applied. As a suggestion, mash your toggles often to make sure your operating system behaves as you desire, not as patches think they ought. (E.T. likes to phone home. Really.)

          This hasn’t been my experience with a bunch of domain-joined machines, nor with my set of home systems (some with MS logins).

          That’s just my experience with the settings that I have in play, not a blanket universal statement of fact.

    • #2140509

      Looking at my 1903 Pro production machine, I don’t have that Fun Facts slider under Settings > Personalization > Background. Wonder why?

      So … is it possible this is newer setting that came with the’1909′ features that got turned on? Or, like the search bar … gets added later? I went directly from Win 7 > Win 10 1909 (launched the installation from Win7, but choose to wipe out everything to get a clean(ish) install).

      I am torn between feeling like I should have checked more closely and that I was being a bit too [confident], and the feeling that I did check this before (I am pretty meticulous about this types of things!) and something changed on me. After the search box debacle, I don’t know if  I’m being paranoid or not. But, I don’t feel completely unjustified feeling at least a tiny bit paranoid.

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    • #2140523

      This is the sort of thing that would make me absolutely paranoid, if I decided to allow moving up to W10.

      I like to go through every one of my settings ONCE, not sit wondering if the latest update has changed something, then having to go through all of them again to set them back how I want them.

      As I keep saying, they were called PERSONAL Computers for a reason. :/

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    • #2140528

      When I upgraded from 1809 to 1903, none of my tweaks or personalization settings were altered/reverted.  When I upgraded form 1903 to 1909, Windows left my settings alone once more.  My Lock Screen has the slider:


      Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
      We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
      We were all once "Average Users".

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    • #2140531

      Ads on a lock screen are like using one of those subsidized bargain-basement Android tablets, except that it’s on an expensive workstation-class computer. It’s also just another reason that I run Debian now. If I wanted to experience advertisements, I would switch on the TV or the radio!

      The workstation-class machine on my desk exists to run the programs that I tell it to, not to second guess me and tell me why X, Y, or Z would be better instead. Such is not the place of a computer.

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    • #2140619

      ‘Fun Facts’ really? It’s an advertisement! This is exactly why I don’t trust Microsoft any more than I need to run my business. They are always trying to see what they can get away with. Most of this seems to becoming from the sales team/manager. Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate that that department.

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    • #2140701

      Poor MS, they must not be making enough profit so they put advertisements on your desktop, and from what I’ve read, other places too.

      Being 20 something in the 70's was far more fun than being 70 something in the insane 20's
    • #2140716

      It’s a free program.

      The program is free. Users harvested data is not.

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      • #2140720

        Microsoft Edge’s telemetry is fully documented and can be turned off completely:

        You can configure Microsoft Edge to collect all or none of this information.
        Microsoft Edge deployment – Telemetry and data collection

        Can the same be said of Google Chrome’s tracking?

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        • #2140731

          I thought we were talking about the O.S. Win 10, not the Internet Browser Edge.

          Being 20 something in the 70's was far more fun than being 70 something in the insane 20's
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      • #2140738

        You are absolutely right, @Charlie. Please stay on topic. All of you. 😉

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    • #2140822

      No one thinks less of Microsoft than I, but on this issue, so what?


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