• Windows Driver Maintenance

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    Does anyone have a recommendation for an app to maintain drivers, i.e. reports on outdated ones and provides updated versions? I’ve been using Driver Genius 23 for a number of years but lately it’s been failing. PC fails to reboot after installing updated drives and does an automatic system restore. Contacted Avanquest support and their solution is to install one drive change at a time and re-boot after each. NOT GOOD!

    I did some research on-line and found Driver Booster 12 which is rated #1 on two different websites and #3 on a third. Also found AVG Driver Update on another site ranked #1. Any experience with either of these?




    Don E.

    Viewing 4 reply threads
    • #2628474

      Does anyone have a recommendation for an app to maintain drivers, i.e. reports on outdated ones and provides updated versions?

      In my experience drivers are pieces of software one should never update just because there is a new version available.  If one is not having any issues with their PC, not missing any necessary features with a particular piece of hardware, there is no need to update a driver.

      New graphics cards will often have driver updates issued fairly frequently in order to take full advantage of their new hardware, but that is an entirely different issue, and one not particularly relevant unless one is an avid gamer with the latest and greatest.

      Again, unless there are issues with a particular piece of hardware or necessary features missing with its current driver, don’t update drivers.  Quite often that is inviting trouble where none existed before.

      Just my 2¢.

      Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
      We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
      We were all once "Average Users".

    • #2628481

      Graphics cards (when in support period) do have pretty frequent updates, often claiming to address security issues, but for a home user I agree that unless you are having a problem or need game compatibility or performance, drivers can and probably should be ignored.  Same with bios updates.  For someone connecting to a business network or with a lot of work data accessed, or in a business, the risks seem very different and, if tested first on spare machines, even extreme security measures feel like they make sense.

    • #2628555

      As bbearen said, if it aint broke or had a security patch, don’t update it.

      See this thread for options.

      cheers, Paul

    • #2629245

      Most OEMs have their own driver update apps. Did you buy a name brand PC or build your own?

    • #2631199

      Thanks for suggestions. I’ll stop searching for drivers to update as recommended.

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