Hi Everyone–
I’m hoping someone might have some information about the Win 98 upgrade that apparently was discontinued just recently.
I have Windows 98, the old version updated with just the freebee updates. I’d like to add 1394 (firewire) to my pc, but evidently you can’t do it with the old version. What I need is that Win 98 upgrade cd, which was sold for $19.95.
Evidently (also) the only available upgrade is the $5 Sp-1 cd, which does not add the 1394 support.
The problem is that it doesn’t pay to do a $100 upgrade to WinME, when XP is on its way out and it’s reportably much more stable than ME and probably what I will eventually buy a full version of. But yet I need my firewire support now, so I’m kinda stuck in the middle.
Does anyone happen to know where I can get a copy of the $20 upgrade to SE CD? I would be VERY appreciative of any leads….
Cecilia 🙂