• Windows 98 to Win 98 SE question


    Hi Everyone–

    I’m hoping someone might have some information about the Win 98 upgrade that apparently was discontinued just recently.

    I have Windows 98, the old version updated with just the freebee updates. I’d like to add 1394 (firewire) to my pc, but evidently you can’t do it with the old version. What I need is that Win 98 upgrade cd, which was sold for $19.95.

    Evidently (also) the only available upgrade is the $5 Sp-1 cd, which does not add the 1394 support.

    The problem is that it doesn’t pay to do a $100 upgrade to WinME, when XP is on its way out and it’s reportably much more stable than ME and probably what I will eventually buy a full version of. But yet I need my firewire support now, so I’m kinda stuck in the middle.

    Does anyone happen to know where I can get a copy of the $20 upgrade to SE CD? I would be VERY appreciative of any leads….


    Cecilia 🙂

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    • #519201

      As I recall, the SE upgrade was always at least 65-80 dollars.

      The only place I could find it was Amazon Whether they still have it in stock or not is debateable…

      On XP, It’s always a good idea to give it at least a few months to see how the public reacts, Stand back and watch the show.. per say.

      Hope that helps!


      • #519215

        Hi Drk–

        The $65 upgrade was a full upgrade from Win 95 to SE, I believe. Here’s the upgrade I’m looking for (from Cnet, scroll towards the bottom re: versions): http://home.cnet.com/software/0-3923203-7-290680.html

        How to Get It
        If you decide that this flotilla of features is worth your while and your wallet, here’s how to get Second Edition:

        • If you already run Windows 98, order the $19.95 update from Microsoft’s site. (This is the one I’m looking for.)
        • Windows 3.x and Windows 95 users can buy the upgrade on CD ($109 suggested retail price). Find lowest prices here.
        • Purchase the complete Windows 98 Second Edition operating system on CD through normal retail channels. Find lowest prices here.
        • Automatic Windows Update
          Want to improve your Windows 98 system but don’t want to pay for Second Edition? Browse on over to Microsoft’s Windows Update site. (This is the option I originally chose.)[/list]

          The link in the Cnet article for the $19.95 upgrade now goes to ME, which is, of course, a much more expensive upgrade, not to mention that I don’t want to do it (see previous post). I do intend to follow your advice re: XP ;-). In the meantime, any leads on that $19.95 upgrade would be totally appreciated!!!


          Cecilia 🙂

        • #519231

          Well, if Microsoft Discontinued it, (as it seems, I can’t find it anywhere) Retailers would have to stop selling it as well.. I think your best bet would be to go to Ebay Or do a search at your favorite web-site for classifieds or Auctions… Otherwise, you’ll have no choice but to hand over the big bucks..

          Hope that helps!


        • #627130


          You probably figured this out months ago, but the $19.95 CD to update 98 to 98se is available through resellers on the web.

          Best wishes,


          • #627193

            Hi Bill, welcome as a new lounger. I too imagine this 98 question has long been resolved, however why one one would be paying for a firewall for 98SE when there are excellent firewalls available for free that work very well with the 98 O/S. I know this because I am using one and have successfully tried at least 2 others which are still available. The SE upgrade to 98 is also still available I believe on the windows (critical) updates site for free. If its free, then there is nothing to lose and $ to be saved. free Unless I have misunderstood the original post, perhaps it would be worth 98SE users checking it out?

            • #627294


              Paul Edstein
              [Fmr MS MVP - Word]

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