• Windows 8.1 Update error 8007002

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Windows » Windows 8.1 » Questions: Win 8.1 (and Win 8) » Windows 8.1 Update error 8007002


    I keep getting the above error code when trying to update my Acer notebook. I’ve checked the web and this forum for a solution, but none seems to exist. I read a long thread on this and it seems that curing one error code just leads to yet more error codes.

    Is there a definitive answer to this problem?

    In my opinion Microsoft have reached an all time low with the whole Windows 8 disaster. Reading between the lines it seems that are they trying to kill off 8.1.


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    • #1453408

      Some general hints from Microsoft are found at Windows Update error 80070002. These are not definitive. As with many/most error codes the underlying reason is often very difficult to discern. The great variety of hardware and software configurations make a definitive answer very difficult.



      • #1453416

        Seen that link before, went there, tried it and it didn’t work. So it appears that I am stuck with an out of date os before I even start.

        Acer will take no responsibility for any software sold with their machines, retailer will not give me a refund as (you guessed it) faulty software is not a good enough reason. Amount too small to bother taking to court and Microsoft couldn’t care a toss.


    • #1453418

      Not sure what a notebook is, imagine it to be somewhere between a laptop and a tablet. If so, did it come with an installation disk or restore partition? In which case you could try a reinstall.

    • #1453537

      I should’ve asked for clarification first. Are you trying to install Windows 8.1, the Windows 8.1 Update (KB2919355), or general Windows 8.1 updates?



      • #1453888

        This drove me batty as well, until I found that this error can happen if Windows updates are handled automatically by WSUS – a Windows Server Update Services server. Many companies have these in place to push Windows updates out. Usually your computer will be on a domain if it is a company computer.

        To get around this, try disabling the WSUS service. It will generally start back up the next time you reboot. Open a command prompt and enter:

        net stop wuauserv

        Exit the command window, then go try to check for updates again. Worked for me.

    • #1453933

      Just a reminder: don’t forget that you must install all Critical and Important updates to Windows 8 before you can install 8.1 . 🙂

    • #1453949

      Disaster?? What disaster?

      Ah, Drew – is this that famous dry British wit or are you living in an alternate reality where Steve Synofsky is triumphantly running all of Microsoft now, where Win 8 market penetration progress is no longer compared to that of that other notable Microsoft success Vista (and Win 8 cheerleaders aren’t constantly offering up rationalizations for why this really doesn’t mean anything), where Microsoft didn’t have to back-pedal furiously to make Win 8.1 a bit more approachable (and the next ‘update’ reportedly even more so)?

      And let’s not forget the joys of UEFI, which could have entered the PC ecosystem far more gradually and smoothly had Microsoft not required it on all OEM Win 8 systems. Even as the first wave of incompatibilities may now be subsiding somewhat the second wave is just hitting, thanks to the insane decision to make UEFI BIOSes 32-/64-bit-dependent (and possibly to a Microsoft policy of offering lower-cost licenses to OEMs if they shipped 32-bit Win 8 systems, though that’s just a guess on my part because why any OEM in its right mind would otherwise CHOOSE to ship such systems is somewhat of a mystery to me).

      This, in combination with the Bay Trail series of processors from Intel, has released upon an unsuspecting world a new raft of laptops with 32-bit UEFI and NO provision for booting ‘legacy’ media which makes it impossible to run a great many very useful products on them. Memtest86+? Fuggetaboutit. How about booting Acronis True Image rescue media? Not last time I checked (certainly the current version of Seagate’s DiscWizard clone won’t). Linux may or may not have finally gotten a fix out that lets them run there – it’s been a hot topic of discussion for close to a year now.

      Keep those laffs coming, Drew: we need them.

      Edit: Oh, my – turns out that we can blame Microsoft directly for the lack of ability to boot legacy media, since it prohibits support for such legacy booting if the OEM machine supports the “Connected Standby” feature of Win 8. Time for some enterprising third-parties to come up with more accommodating firmware, I’d say – unless UEFI itself makes flashing such improved firmware difficult, which would not surprise me given the degree to which the industry seems hell-bent on keeping computer owners from doing what they want with their own machines.

    • #1453955

      Disaster?? What disaster?

      Well, golly, at home we’ve been using Windows since Win 98 came out (and my GF even had Win 95). Each new incarnation brought some changes but we could always find our way around with little difficulty through 98, 98SE, ME, 2000, XP, and 7. Then along comes Win 8 ….. and we were simply lost. After months of playing with it here and there as a secondary OS and never being comfortable, Win 8 sat mostly unused. Recently, my new laptop came with Win 8 and i knew i must do something to cope with it. After trying Start8 (from Stardock i think) free for a week or two i happily paid them $5 to buy it. Now i’m happy using Win 8 (ok, 8.1) on the laptop, and we’re thinkin’ we’ll also get Start8 for our PCs, too. But there’s no hurry because we’re still happy with Win 7 – a very user-friendly OS compared to Win 8 or 8.1.

      • #1454794

        Disaster?? What disaster?

        Well, golly, at home we’ve been using Windows since Win 98 came out (and my GF even had Win 95). Each new incarnation brought some changes but we could always find our way around with little difficulty through 98, 98SE, ME, 2000, XP, and 7. Then along comes Win 8 ….. and we were simply lost. After months of playing with it here and there as a secondary OS and never being comfortable, Win 8 sat mostly unused. Recently, my new laptop came with Win 8 and i knew i must do something to cope with it. After trying Start8 (from Stardock i think) free for a week or two i happily paid them $5 to buy it. Now i’m happy using Win 8 (ok, 8.1) on the laptop, and we’re thinkin’ we’ll also get Start8 for our PCs, too. But there’s no hurry because we’re still happy with Win 7 – a very user-friendly OS compared to Win 8 or 8.1.

        Well, I know that for some that Start Menu is wonderful, but for me I was happy to see it finally go! I never used it anyway. My mouse would slide off it and ZING!!! Back it would go into the task bar, and I would have to start all over again. Now, with the Start Screen, all of my applications are nicely grouped, and labeled. They do not disappear if my mouse moves, and I can actually start typing a few letters of my app, press enter, and up it pops! Also, if I am looking for something I do NOT have the computer automatically searches the entire internet for that application, and presents me with several websites from which it can be downloaded. Windows 8, and its updates are abso-effing-lutely amazing!

    • #1454799

      Please guys, let’s not have a flame war here. Some people like Win8 some don’t. I’m in the former camp, others prefer win7. My only beef is that sometimes people say they don’t like win 8 because of some issue, which isn’t true (the classic being “I don’t want a touch screen”. Touch screens are not required.).

      In case anyone thinks I’m a young gun, I’m someone who becomes an OAP today (thanks for the birthday wishes Windows Secrets).

      Eliminate spare time: start programming PowerShell

    • #1457672

      I don’t want to get into the war (I’ve seen both sides, I promise), but I do want to offer some suggestions to our original poster in the hopes that they help.

      I’ve noticed Windows Update problems can happen if Windows 8 does not correctly activate. If you can confirm whether your Windows 8 is activated, that’s a great start. If it isn’t activated, then do that first.

      How to tell – nerdy command-prompt version:

      (PDF) visual, easy-to-do version:

      Sometimes, for some reason, the product key entered during installation isn’t used and some sort of built-in one is used…and this Win 8 won’t activate. When this happens, you can force the correct product key like so:

      If neither of these apply to you, I’d like to recommend that you try starting from Windows 8.1 and going from there. Windows 8.1 is a much better update, and it can be had through the Microsoft Store, which means you don’t have to use your currently-broken Windows Update to nab it. It is a rollup of critical updates, so it should move you forward to a better footing any may even fix your problem (I hope!).

      How to obtain Windows Update 1 (skip to step 3 on this page):

      If you can update to Windows 8.1, the UI is a bit nicer, but then there’s a slightly later update cleverly called “Update for Windows 8.1” that tweaks things just a bit more. I recommend it because my Windows 8 experience got better after using it.

      One other thing: if you’re totally using Windows 8 through a Microsoft account (meaning, “one you made out at Microsoft.com for Outlook/Hotmail/Xbox/Live/Whatever”), try creating a Local user on the machine who is set up from the get-go as an Administrator, logging on as them, and trying to pull down the updates. Heck, for that matter just try creating another Administrative user on the machine and seeing if the new account works.

      How to create a User (click the one that says “My Computer is in a Workgroup”):

      Balaji Kundalam’s post here also describes how to do this:

      I hope that helps our original poster. I’m sorry to hear that Acer’s support wasn’t able to help either–that’s kind of crappy of them, given that this is a new product. :-/

    • #1458154

      Ah, Drew: I see that you weighed in again to set up some of your usual straw men late enough that I was no longer tracking this thread.

      To (try to) say Win8 is as much a catastrophe as Vista is a silly statement that doesn’t even begin to make any grounded sense or have any meaning.[/quote]

      Of course it has meaning and sense, Drew: you just don’t happen to like hearing it. That said, even I don’t think that Win 8 is QUITE as much as catastrophe as Vista was, but hearing you admit that Vista WAS indeed a catastrophe at least represents a start on your part (a start which if you examined it objectively might give you some insight into why another system which you consider unjustly maligned has had such similar problems gaining a foothold in the marketplace).

      Personally, I had no trouble w/ Vista nor was it inherently bad. Many of us know Vista got a bad rap but, it was mostly the fault of 3rd party vendors & manufacturers for not being up to speed by the time Vista was released. Ergo, things didn’t work on it and, of course, people blamed the innocent OS. Bashing Vista doesn’t hold water nor does bashing Windows 8.

      But there’s that straw-man problem you so often have, Drew. I bashed neither Vista nor Win 8 (though both represented major mistakes by Microsoft in terms of both packaging and roll-out and paid a heavy price for them): I merely observed that in both cases their market penetration (you know: the metric that actually demonstrates what people in the aggregate think of them regardless of what you or I may) was, to be as charitable as I can possibly be, extremely disappointing.

      I’m afraid that your by-now-completely-predictable rant then veered even farther away from anything I had said – a veritable horde of straw men so irrelevant that they don’t even warrant specifically addressing. The facts are clear: Win 8 was a disaster (leaving aside quibbles about whether it was quite as bad a one as Vista was) in the marketplace to the extent that highly-placed heads rolled at Microsoft and Win 8.1, its Update 1, and reports about what later updates and/or Win 9 will be like all represent aggressive back-pedaling to try to make amends. No one is asking you to like that, just to stop burying your head in the sand and frenetically denying it.

    • #1458214


      Of course it has meaning and sense, Drew: you just don’t happen to like hearing it. That said, even I don’t think that Win 8 is QUITE as much as catastrophe as Vista was, but hearing you admit that Vista WAS indeed a catastrophe at least represents a start on your part

      Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Vista, and the original release was truly a catastrophe, but as bad as Windows 8? What are you smoking? And after Service Pack 2, Vista really wasn’t that bad. My wife has a net book with Vista SP2, which she only uses once a year while traveling, and while she very much prefers Windows 7, it’s okay to use once a year for two weeks.

    • #1458217

      Sorry guys, this topic is about issues with Windows Update. Please stay on topic. From now on, we won’t approve anything that’s not related to Windows Update.

    • #1458721

      I got this while updating this morning; a MS link came up & suggested running the Windows Update Troubleshooter (WUT?). I did so & it fixed the error… I think.

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